Car Accident

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After enduring a dangerous foot pursuit through the busy streets in rain soaked Detroit that led to nowhere, Hank ended up limping on a sprained ankle as he leaned heavily on Connor's right shoulder for support. A nasty misstep in a gutter ended with Hank crashing to the street while the suspect, a pick-pocket who may or may not have snatched the wallet from a patron at a nearby diner, disappeared down the first alleyway he could get to after Hank went down. Relying entirely on Connor's strength to keep himself upright and balanced Hank and Connor made their way back down the soaked sidewalk toward the Oldsmobile to return to the precinct empty handed after Connor confirmed the injury with a simple scan.

Too sore to keep walking on his bad left ankle Hank paused for a moment and braced himself with his left hand against the brick wall of an apartment complex and let go of Connor's shoulder. It was getting harder and harder for Hank to push through his injuries and ignore pain as age steadily caught up to him.

"Lieutenant?" Connor asked as Hank stopped short and breathed through the pain. The deviant's scan had indicated a severe sprain to Hank's left ankle but fortunately no fractures or breaks. "Are you all right?"

"No, I'm not all right." Hank snipped bitterly as he used his right hand to rub at his injured ankle. "You said so yourself, I sprained my ankle."

"Do you need me to carry you to the car?"

"If you even TRY to pick me up I'm going to rip that L.E.D. out of your damn skull."

"...Is there any way I can help you?"

"Yeah." Using his right hand Hank reached into his jean pocket and tossed his car keys to the deviant who caught the ring of keys easily with his right hand. "Bring the car around for me, will ya'? It'll be a hell of a lot easier than walking on one damn leg the rest of the way."

"Very well. I won't be long."

"Sure as Hell hope so."

Keys in hand Connor returned to the car parked two blocks away at a quicker pace than that of a human even with the poor weather slowing him down. He had driven Hank's car once before and it wasn't a difficult task to undertake, but he had driven only because Hank was suffering from a painful hangover and the two needed to investigate a murder at the 'Eden Club' that night. Fortunately since that time Connor was given a special permit that allowed him drive; it was essentially the android equivalent of a human's driver's license, which meant he wasn't breaking any laws.

Getting behind the wheel of the large car Connor pulled the vehicle along the rain slicked road and neared the spot where Hank was waiting him against the wall. As Connor legally passed by the first block's intersection a second car sped through the adjacent stop sign and smashed into the driver's side of the Oldsmobile causing it to slide off the road and up against a building where it had been pinned in place as a result.

The body of the car had been damaged but the vehicle itself wasn't totaled or in need of a tow. It just needed the second car pulled away to ensure that the large and old vehicle wasn't pinned up on the sidewalk.


Hank had seen and heard the crash from where he stood and was immediately worried for his partner. Grabbing his radio from his coat's left pocket Hank called in the accident and continued to limp toward the two wrecked vehicles to assess the situation.

"You better be all right..."

From behind the steering wheel Connor's L.E.D. flashed in yellow as he looked about the area confusedly. A trickle of blue blood ran from his a cut on his bottom lip and dripped down over the backs of his hands and onto the steering wheel in a sapphire river. Spotting the second car that had crashed into him from the passenger side Connor's immediate reaction was to check on the other driver, but before he had the chance to do so the driver's side door was pulled open forcefully as Hank grabbed onto Connor's left arm and hauled him out of the wrecked vehicle onto his feet on the rainy street.

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