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Opening his soulful brown eyes Connor awoke the next morning not at home in his bed, but at New Jericho Tower and in a soft bed that he had never known before. As he laid on his back with his right arm tucked under his head and his left arm wrapped around Skye, who was sleeping on her side and cuddled up next to Connor with her head resting on his chest, the deviant detective smiled with a genuine sense of happiness as morning crept over the sleepy city. Noting the early hour with his internal chronometer Connor glanced about the private quarters that Skye called her own and found the personal space very modest but homey in taste.

Aside from the queen sized bed at the far side of the bedroom beneath the large window overlooking the bay, Skye had a writing desk with a chair tucked beneath it a few feet from the bed in the corner and a single lamp in the corner beside the desk. There was a large poster showing the starry night sky over a tropical shoreline on the wall over the desk that gave the surrounding white walls some much needed color and a sense of space without adding clutter.

Connected to the bedroom was a bathroom that had all of the usual plumbing of a human bathroom for the sake of normalcy; shower, sink, toilet and a laundry hamper resting over an incredibly small washer and drier set against the wall. It provided Skye with everything she'd need.

A long white couch rested against the wall of the livingroom area through the doorway connecting the bedroom to the rest of the quarters near the single door leading into the private space. A small aquarium with a live rock and brightly colored tropical fish was sitting in the corner next to the television mounted on the wall opposite of the couch to add some life to the isolated space. Finally on a small round table next to the couch and against the wall was a violin case with the violin and bow neatly tucked inside just waiting to be played.

In the connected room at the far side of the livingroom was a small kitchenette that too had all the usual appliances and a sink that a human would need, though there were very little other furnishings in the room as the small refrigerator only contained her weekly Thirium replenishment. The humble surroundings and minimalistic lifestyle was atypical of most deviants.

Skye let out a tired sigh in her sleep and Connor's arm tightened around her in response as he tried to gently rouse her from her rest mode. "Skye?"

As her hazel eyes opened Skye ooked up at Connor and smiled at his presence. "...Good morning."

"Good morning." Connor repeated as he rubbed his left hand up and down Skye's left arm slowly. "Beautiful sunrise this morning."

"It's always better to watch the sunrise with someone you care about." Pushing herself up from the bed with her right arm Skye wrapped the top sheet around herself to cover her otherwise exposed chest and leaned in to kiss Connor. Lightly she pressed her right hand to the side of Connor's left jaw where the swelling had nearly reduced entirely with only the faintest of a blue bruise left behind. "I need to report to security detail in one hour. What about you?"

"I need to report to the precinct within two hours."

"Your pants are on the floor beside the bed." Skye grinned mischievously as she recapped their previous night. "I think you left your shirt on the couch." She teased further as she proceeded to wrap the rest of the sheet around her body and walked around the side of the bed with the sheet being pulled away from Connor's body in the process. "Want to shower here before you leave?"


"It'll refresh you and wake you up. You must be exhausted after last night."

"Won't that interfere with your morning routine?"

Flashing him a wink Skye responded with coy smile on her face and bit at her lower lip. "Not if we 'share' space."

"...O-Oh." Connor grinned as he grabbed onto the hem of the sheet dragging behind Skye and pulled it around his waist before following her into the bathroom. "How very efficient of you."

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