Favors and Promises

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As a sincere favor to Chris, an honest and respectable officer at the precinct, Connor chose to work additional night shifts with the young officer to pick up some overtime to take care of his growing family. Chris's second child; a daughter, was born two months prior and he wanted to make sure both of his children could afford college tuition down the line by working hard and saving up. Having only worked night shifts with Hank regarding cases with deviants, Connor found the experience to be mutually beneficial as it allowed him to act more as a Sergeant working on the streets and less of a detective sifting through a grisly murder at a crime scene.

"Thanks for doing this again, Connor." Chris commented from the passenger seat of the squad car as he sipped his bland coffee from the stainless steel thermos in his hand. The caffeine was helping him keep awake and alert. "I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." Connor acknowledged as he drove the car along the dark and quiet street as the duo continued their patrol. "I'm always happy to help."

"And, uh, sorry if these night shifts screw up your sleep."

"My sleep cycles can be adjusted accordingly to accommodate my schedule. It doesn't affect me in the same way it can affect a human."

Chris finished off the coffee and placed the empty container in the cup holder to his left. "Too bad humans can't adjust so easily. It'd come in handy with a colicky newborn baby at two in the morning."

Before he could ask about the baby Connor's blue L.E.D. flashed to yellow as he received a report of a robbery in progress at a gas station two blocks away. The report lined up with the details from dispatch as the report also came over the radio in the squad car. Chris responded to the report with the radio as Connor turned at the next corner to head to the gas station in question and flipped on the flashing lights and sirens of the car.

Arriving first at the scene Chris and Connor rushed inside the gas station with their guns drawn to stop the robbery and to arrest the two suspects, teenagers, before anyone could be harmed in the middle of the crime.

"Drop the gun!" Chris shouted as he kept his aim on the teenagers, but didn't let his finger hover over the trigger. He had no intention of opening fire on two kids who were already scared stiff and making a big mistake. "Get on the floor!"

Connor scanned the interior of the gas station and noted that the backdoor to the station had been forced open from the inside, but the lone clerk was ducking down behind the front counter out of harm's way. There was at least one other suspect involved in the crime and was attempting to flee the building through the backdoor. Locating the exit to the building Connor stepped through the backdoor and noted the third fleeing suspect attempting and failing to climb over a chainlink fence to get down an alleyway and away from the building.

"Stop! Detroit Police." Connor demanded as he approached the fleeing teenager warily. On guard and alert his L.E.D. transitioned from blue to yellow swiftly as he relied on his training and instincts to handle the situation. "Get on the ground, put your hands behind your head."

The teenager turned around quickly. He was unarmed and therefore not a threat, but that didn't stop him from panicking and rushing toward the deviant in a desperate bid to escape. Just as Chris wanted everything to end peacefully, Connor didn't want to open fire on the teenager - especially since he was unarmed, but he still needed to react accordingly. Quickly holstering his gun under his gray blazer Connor grabbed onto the teen's fist as he charged Connor and tried to physically strike the deviant during his escape.

"Stop!" Connor demanded again as he restrained the teen easily with his hands pressing against the young man's arms. Holding the teenager out at arm's length Connor planted his feet in place and refused to budge. "Do not add resisting arrest or add assaulting a police officer to the list of charges."

Accident Prone - Becoming HumanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang