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The fall of the massive gang of anti-android bigots, illegal arms dealers and drug dealers had fortunately resulted in a drastic depletion of both violence and 'red ice' flooding the streets. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for numerous aspiring "Drug Kingpins" to compete for the mythical vacated throne and it took even less time for the city to usurp the vain attempts to redistribute drugs with authority figures stepping in. Under Hank's guidance, as an officer with an exemplary track record with successful 'red ice' ring busts, the Central Precinct was given their orders and everyone who wasn't working an important case were assigned a patrol with a partner.

Whether it was random chance or by design, Connor had been partnered up with Gavin for the night and the ever stubborn Sergeant wasn't big on the idea of having to partner up with a deviant for a shift. Temporary or not, he was NOT happy about the arrangement and wasn't shy in expressing it.

"Your partner has a real fuckin' twisted sense of humor." Gavin grumbled as he drove along their designated route with Connor as the passenger. "Why the hell did I get stuck with you?"

"Because Hank is back at the precinct taking charge of the investigation." Connor explained casually as he checked on the plastic bag full of candy in his gray blazer pocket. "Also, Tina is currently ill with the flu. It was actually a logical decision."

"...I didn't mean literally you dumb piece of plastic. I meant why the fuck couldn't I work with Chris or even a rookie? Why did I get stuck with you?"

"As I previously stated, Hank-"

"Nevermind!" Gavin growled as he pulled up along a deserted stretch of sidewalk overlooking a reported hotspot for drug activity and parked the car. Turning off the engine he leaned back in his seat and gave Connor an annoyed stare. "How the fuck can you interrogate suspects when you can't even figure out sarcasm or rhetoric?"

Connor remained silent for the sake of Gavin's poor attitude, his L.E.D. cycling a calm blue, and proceeded to run cybernetic scans over the surrounding buildings to monitor any and all activity behind the thick brick walls, or possibly detect any illegal chemicals being used to create the offensive drug. It was relatively quiet save for the fading traffic in the distance as the evening gave way to night and fewer people were seen walking the cold, snowy streets.

Letting out an annoyed sigh Gavin picked up his cup of lukewarm coffee and begin to sip at it with a grimace. "...Anything out there, 'Tinman'?"

"Negative. There is nothing of interest in our immediate vicinity."

"Great. We'll sit here and babysit the big, scary buildings for an hour then move on to the next area."

"Seems reasonable."

"Shut up."

"Why? I'm agreeing with you."

"And I hate it, so, shut up."

"Very well."

"And stop doing that."


"Being so agreeable. It's goddamn annoying. You're like the teacher's pet or something..."

"What is a-"

"Shut. Up."

The corner of Connor's mouth twitched a little while his L.E.D. briefly flickered to yellow, only to cycle back to blue, as he obeyed the request and leaned back in his seat and resumed his scans. There was little activity and little sound in the area as the street activity continued to fade into nothing as the night wore on. As he began filing a cybernetic update with the precinct Connor detected a sudden wave of movement as a group of people entered the building twenty feet down the street through the backdoor.

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