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Keeping his gun drawn before him Connor crept through the dark parking garage in pursuit of the fleeing suspect who had been linked to a dangerous 'red ice' dealer in the heart of the city. Hank, also in pursuit, was creeping between the cars one floor below Connor's current position in an attempt to head the suspect off before he disappeared into the night. As Connor's blue L.E.D. flashed to yellow his sensors indicating movement nearby and confirmed that he was very close to a human who wasn't Hank or any other responding police officer. He paused in place and listened very carefully for any additional sound to give away the hiding suspect's current position.

A burst of movement in front of Connor held his attention as the suspect, who had hidden himself behind a large parked car, maneuvered in such a way that he was able to silently run up behind the deviant and strike him in the head across his L.E.D. with the butt of his gun. The blow rendered the oblivious deviant unconscious in a matter of seconds. Connor fell face first onto the garage floor as a puddle of blue blood began to collect under his head.

Thirium leaked from a deep laceration against his right temple unchecked as Connor succumbed to unconsciousness and was left to bleed in the middle of the parking garage.

Carefully patrolling the garage Hank caught sight of the suspect running through the garage away from Connor's body with his own drawn gun clutched in his right hand.

"FREEZE." Hank commanded as he cut off the suspect's path and aimed his gun at the fleeing man's chest. "Detroit Police. DROP THE GUN."

Wisely the suspect dropped his gun and held his hands into the air to surrender. "Don't shoot!"

"On your knees." Hank ordered as he approached with his gun still drawn before him. Using the handcuffs attached to the back of his belt Hank cuffed the suspect's hands behind his back and hauled him back up to his feet by grabbing onto the man's left bicep. Keeping his left hand on the suspect's right shoulder Hank used his right hand to radio dispatch and confirmed the arrest. "Suspect in custody. Send a unit to my location."

Leading the suspect outside of the garage Hank kept a firm grip on the man's shoulder and happily turned him over to Gavin and Chris as they arrived at the scene as requested.

"Here's your man, Chris." Hank announced as he let the younger officer lead the suspect away. "I'm going to go find Connor and meet you back at the precinct."

"No problem, Lieutenant."

Gavin just silently scoffed at the sight of the older detective easily subduing a younger suspect, but he wisely didn't say a word.

Returning to the parking garage Hank holstered his gun on his right hip and looked around for Connor. He began calling out for his partner to get his attention as he just couldn't seem to find the deviant anywhere.

"Connor, I got him. Let's go."

There was no answer and no sign of Connor.

Walking up to the next floor where he knew Connor had been searching for the suspect Hank called out for him again.

"Connor? Where are you, kid?"

A low groan of pain caught Hank's attention as it emanated from between two large parked cars a few feet away. Rushing toward the sound with his right hand hovered over his holstered gun on his right hip Hank caught sight of Connor resting on his knees with his head bowed down as he tried to curl around himself. The injured deviant had his right hand pressed against the bleeding wound to the right side of his head and seemingly didn't hear Hank approaching.

"Connor!" Hank ran over to Connor and knelt down beside his partner to check him over. Putting his right hand on Connor's left shoulder Hank supported the wounded deviant as he spoke to him calmly and tried to assess how severely he had been injured. "Connor, what happened? Hey, look at me."

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