The Shooting

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March 27th, 2039 - 09:53pm:

A stand-off with a deranged deviant had started poorly and was sure to end even worse before the cold, dark night was over. Negotiations with the dangerous deviant who held the remote detonator to a dirty bomb hidden somewhere in the city had began with collected and logical words of negotiation and tragically finished with a spray of searing hot bullets. Detroit's deviant crime division was solely comprised of the detective duo formed by Connor and Hank, and as such they were the ones who encountered and subsequently confronted the deviant standing at the barren shipping docks where the now sunken and historic freighter ship dubbed 'Jericho' had once been docked.

Helpless and in pain Connor was resting on his right side on the cold ground as his L.E.D. cycled in red rapidly. He was propped up on his right elbow with his legs slightly bent beneath him as his left hand pressed down against the two bleeding bullet wounds in his upper abdomen just above Thirium pump regulator. Fresh Thirium oozed between his fingers and stained the front of his white dress shirt and gray blazer as it collected in a sapphire puddle all around him.

"Lieu... Lieutenant?" Despite his desperation Connor's voice was low and strained from his mounting blood loss. "Hank! G-Get out of here... Too dangerous!"

Without a word Hank fearlessly positioned himself between the deviant shooter and Connor with his own gun aimed directly at the dangerous deviant's forehead ready to pull the trigger. The seasoned detective's hands were steady and his blue eyes were focused as he stared down the dangerous and armed deviant without the slightest glimmer of hesitation in his determined stare.

"This is your last warning." Hank proclaimed boldly as he now faced off against the deviant alone. "Surrender peacefully, or I WILL shoot."

Showing no sign of fear or hesitation the towering hulk of a deviant clearly didn't recognize the authorities of the two detectives before him. The deviant suspect, a heavily damaged 'TR-400' with only one functioning eye, a malfunctioning left leg, filthy tattered clothing and nothing left to lose, held out the remote detonator for the bomb with his left hand as he lowered his gun in his right hand toward Connor's forehead.

Hank followed the deviant's line of sight and took one step forward keeping Connor, his partner and friend, safe behind him at all times. "You have three seconds." The steadfast senior detective issued with a snarl in his voice as he faced off with the deviant. "I suggest that you think very carefully about your next move."

Unable to move Connor's L.E.D. flickered in its red hue as he cybernetically sent out a distress call asking for back-up to the scene. He inwardly winced as the bullet holes in his torso made his entire body ache as he took in slow breaths to ensure his system didn't overheat from exertion. The bleeding was steady but not rapid, yet Connor had already lost a considerable amount of his vital Thirium courtesy of being shot twice.

The violent deviant's eyes rose to meet Hank's eyes as a fiendish grin appeared on its face. This deviant wasn't an android who had gained sentience, freewill or emotion, this was an android who had awakened and relished in the prospect of revenge and death against all of humanity. Scars littered the deviant's face, its hands and its arms indicative of years of abuse; but to whomever it was who abused it would never be known.

Knowing he had little control over the situation Hank began his countdown to warn the deviant as he had previously noted. "One..."

Raising the remote high into the air the deviant's left hand began to twitch wildly with the device in its grip.


In a flash the deviant's left thumb went for the trigger on the remote while his right hand squeezed the trigger of its gun. Hank, moving with incredible instinctive reflexes that could only be mastered by a first responder, knelt down in front of Connor as he fired his own weapon at the same time; his aim never faltering as he moved.

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