Holiday Blues

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It was the middle of December and the houses that lined the streets of Detroit were illuminated in bright strands of multicolored and solid white lights that glowed warmly throughout the cold nights. As Connor drove back home with Hank in the passenger seat beside him, the two detectives having had endured their third week of going to therapy, had their sixth session under their belts. Their progress with working through their grief and anger was slow, but it was also effective as the incredibly stubborn duo were finally able to come to terms with their pain of their of their individual pasts that had made life somewhat complicated and difficult.

Neither detective had spoken of their private sessions with one another since they were only just beginning to understand what they were enduring. In time they'd address their therapy sessions so they could be understand each other, but at the moment the father and son duo were more preoccupied with surviving the winter for the third year in a row.

"Two weeks until Christmas." Hank stated casually as he glanced out the side window and noted the houses glowing brightly as they passed by. The holidays were the only highlight during the bleak and freezing weather. "What do you want to do this year?"

Connor was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about the question but no answer presented itself. "...Nothing."

"Nothing? Come on, you must want to do something this year. Last year we had kind of an early Christmas and all we did was give each other one gift. I thought for certain you'd want to try something more elaborate this year."

"I don't want to celebrate Christmas." The still depressed deviant was steadfast in his decision. "That's a human holiday that I will never fully understand."

"Okay, you don't have to if you don't want to." Trying to coax Connor into agreeing to at least a small celebration Hank pushed lightly as the car pulled into the driveway beside the house. "I kinda' figured that was one thing deviants did better than humans, but whatever."

"To what are you referring?"

"Celebrating holidays. Deviants and androids don't have a weird religion-based bias agenda. You guys just celebrate for the sake of celebrating."

"Oh..." Opening up his door Connor stepped out of the car slowly, somberly, as Hank did the same from the opposite side. "I see."

Waiting for Hank to walk around the front of the car Connor helped guide the senior detective along the still somewhat icy front walk to the front door to get inside the warm house. Sumo raced up to the two detectives and was promptly met with gentle ear rubs before being let outside through the backdoor for a few minutes. While Hank took off his coat and his shoes Connor proceeded to get the healing detective's required medication ready for his next dose.

"I'm going to take a shower." Hank announced as he left the livingroom and slowly walked down the hallway. Before Connor even had the chance to offer any assistance with getting to the shower Hank cut him off. "No, I don't need any help. I won't be long."

Without saying a word Connor finished gathering the required medication and set it out on the kitchen table for Hank to take once he finished his shower. Pulling an already prepared meal from the refrigerator Connor placed it in the oven to warm up before letting Sumo back inside the house for the rest of the chilly evening. Sumo shook off his snowy wet fur, soaking Connor's clothing in the process, then trotted back into the livingroom to lay down on his warm fluffy pillow in the corner of the room.

Unphased by the cold water now drenching his clothing Connor just sighed as finished his task in the kitchen before retreating to his bedroom to think in private. Laying down on his bed with his left arm tucked under his head Connor closed his eyes and thought about everything that he and his therapist had discussed regarding his previous experiences with his deviancy, as well as the extreme emotions he had endured, the deaths of his brother and his bondmate, how he had nearly lost Hank and of his own near death experiences.

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