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Sitting on the couch with his coin gracefully tossing back and forth between his hands Connor watched as a breaking news report on the television depicted a string of seemingly random acts of vandalism throughout the city that was putting everyone on edge. A new trend of causing temporary blackouts with the use of projectile E.M.P.'s had resulted in numerous stores being robbed, and thousands of dollars in private property destruction throughout the entire city. The police were looking into the violent acts but had little evidence to work with as the security footage of the stores that had been targeted first and had been destroyed by the E.M.P. which rendered the footage almost completely useless.

Connor was intrigued by the crime spree and was attempting to deduce the identities of the vandals himself with the vague information being provided by the news, as well as the grainy salvaged security footage to try to gather clues. It was as if his instincts as a detective were so deeply ingrained in his psyche that despite resigning his commission the loyal deviant was compelled to look into the case and aid his colleagues at the precinct.

Cybernetically Connor used what small amounts of the security footage had been saved and provided to the media to try and isolate a pattern and his patience eventually paid off.

"...I must inform Hank of this detail."

Sending a cybernetic message to the senior detective, who was surely busily attempting to solve the same case at the precinct at that very moment, Connor put all of his information together and sent it to Hank's personal terminal. Sending him the same spliced together footage he had gained from the news coverage and highlighting the portions of the footage that had caught his attention, Connor made sure to give Hank all the information he'd need to get a warrant to identify the correct suspects:

'The red pick-up truck; a 2031 Dodge Ruse with a partial license plate ending with 248 is the culprit. The truck can be seen in the frame of the external security camera footage just seconds before the E.M.P. hits at every known location. It is the same truck at every noted location and it appears to have the same driver behind the wheel each time as well.'

After sending the message Connor stopped fussing with the coin as it spun in a perfect circle on its side over his right index fingertip and quickly caught the coin in his same fist before pocketing it.

"I hope the vandals are caught before they do anymore harm."

Looking over at Sumo who was napping peacefully on his back on his pillow in the corner of the livingroom with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and his four legs curled up slightly in the air, Connor patted the side of his leg and called the dog over to him.

"Sumo, come. Ready to go for a walk?"

Sumo bolted awake and flipped over from his back and onto his belly in a matter of seconds. Wagging his tail happily Sumo stretched out his body and yawned before trotting over to Connor and pressing his nose against the deviant's right hand expectantly.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Rubbing his right hand over Sumo's ears Connor rose from the couch and walked over to the front door while Sumo followed at his left side excitedly. Slipping on his leather jacket and taking the leash from the hook by the front door, Connor clipped the lead to Sumo's leather collar then opened the front door much to the dog's delight. Stepping out into the slightly warmer weather as spring loomed just around the corner Connor proceeded to lead Sumo down the sidewalk to take their usual route on their daily walk around the block.

"It's warming up."

Connor stated as he felt the gentle kiss of an impending spring pass by his cheek.

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