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Ever attentive Connor sat at his desk directly connected to the opposite side of Hank's desk in silent contemplation as he studied a single case file that had left him relatively stumped. In a statuesque pose Connor worked well into the late night and early morning hours determined to solve his case once and for all. While the rest of the day shift had long since clocked-out and gone home for the night Connor remained at his desk eager to locate the criminal who had eluded the law for almost four consecutive months now. The yellow flickering of his L.E.D. matched the pulse of his Thirium pump thrumming away in his chest as the deviant diligently concentrated on his work while his quarter danced gracefully over the knuckles of his right hand.

The cell phone that Hank insisted Connor carry was sitting on the top left corner of his desk completely ignored until it began to ring. The intrusive sound brought Connor's focus away from the case for the first time in almost nine hours, and his yellow L.E.D. blinked rapidly in response. Looking down at the phone he saw that the caller was Hank himself and knew he needed to answer right away.

Swiping the green 'Answer' button on the display screen Connor acknowledged the call in a calm tone of voice. "Lieutenant."

'Connor, what the fuck are you doing?' Hank sounded as angry as he was exhausted. 'It's three in the morning. Where are you?'

"I am working, Lieutenant. The case regarding-"

'Yeah, yeah, I know what the case is about We were BOTH assigned to it.' The senior detective snapped impatiently as he spoke to his partner in a gruff voice over the phone with mounting impatience. 'What I want to know is why the hell you're still there? Your shift is over, it's time for you to clock out and come home.'

"I've had a breakthrough, Lieutenant. I believe I can pinpoint the exact location of the suspect within the hour. I just need-"

'Fine, whatever.' Hank interrupted with an annoyed snarl behind his words. 'As soon as if you figure out where the jerk is hiding let Reed or Miller, or whoever the fuck is on the night shift, handle it. Got it?'

"Got it. Goodnight Lieutenant."


The phone call ended as abruptly as it started and Connor resumed his work after pressing 'End' on the phone's screen. As he stared at the terminal screen on his desk a red warning flashed through his visual processors that temporarily distracted the devoted deviant detective from his work.


...Power Level Low: 65%

...Rest Mode Activation: 01:29:57

...Postpone Rest Mode: [Y/N?]

Connor blinked his eyes as he dismissed the warning, postponed rest mode and turned off the automatic rest mode function in his processors. The deviant didn't need to rest, or so he tried to convince himself. Ever since his deviancy he no longer had a perpetual connection with CyberLife, or anyone else, to keep him healthy or tell him what to do.

His own health was now his own personal responsibility.

The late hours of the night faded into the early hours of the morning as the sun began to rise over the city. Connor hadn't left his desk as he continued his attempt to locate the suspect, nor had he obeyed his system and allowed himself to slip into rest mode to restore his steadily waning power at the designated countdown time.

Steadily the other officers filed in for the morning shift as the night patrol clocked-out to head back home. Captain Fowler wasn't surprised to see Connor already at his desk, neither was Chris, Tina or Ben, whereas Gavin didn't give a damn about what the deviant did. However, one very stern Lieutenant did give a damn about Connor and wasn't afraid to let him know that.

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