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It was nine fifty-seven in the morning when the city of Detroit was rocked by an unexpected and unwelcome earthquake. The initial quake lasted only two minutes but the aftershocks had been rocking through the city and county for several hours. Many of the older buildings that marked the outskirts of the city and the abandoned factories of the industrial district had collapsed causing massive clouds of debris to fill the air and create an ominous fog over the still trembling city. At least a half dozen smaller, weaker bridges used by local traffic had also collapsed during the quake while massive portions of the main roads and expressways were littered with gaping holes and cracks that made it nearly impossible for emergency crews to maneuver through.

In the heart of the city, where the mass of the populous was located, was the epicenter of the earthquake. Many homes, small businesses, shops and schools were caught in the peak of the quake. Multiple fires burned through the center of the city causing many citizens to flee for their lives. Many more chose to stay close to what was considered 'ground zero' of the disaster to locate missing friends and family members as they sifted through the surrounding messes.

New Jericho Tower was already full of victims from the earthquake; humans and deviants alike, in an attempt to help shelter those in need. The volunteering staff was working at a frantic pace in an attempt to keep up with the flow of victims and lost persons seeking help. The tower itself managed to avoid significant damage from the earthquake, a few windows on the first floor were broken and the power had been knocked out for a while, but the back-up generator kicked in without problems.

All of the police and fire stations in the city had been called out for emergency rescue, search and salvage. At the Central Precinct where Connor and Hank were assigned in order to handle the deviant related cases, were already on the job, but it didn't stop them from working to help other people in need of help after the quake struck.

Sirens blared loudly like a call to war as every available first responder raced the heart of the city to extinguish the flames of the burning buildings before the small fires grew into massive infernos and police officers helped locate missing people and reunite families. Many people were trapped inside the damaged buildings or on the expressway and bridges unable to escape under their own power. Several cars had accidentally driven directly into holes and fractures just as they were opening; the occupants never having the chance to avoid the danger, while autonomous vehicles stopped automatically in response to the emergency.

Hank and Connor were responding to vehicles trapped on the highway along with the fire departments and helping escort people to safety. Numerous people were trapped in their cars that were now pinned beneath concrete supports or wedged in massive holes courtesy of the damaged bridge and road and were in need of immediate rescue.

The two detectives had finished sending their victims off in an ambulance, glad to see all of them still alive, and being taken away from the dangerous expressway to the relative safety of the nearest hospital. Returning to their own car at the end of the damaged street Connor put his fingertips to his right temple as yet another emergency broadcast was transmitted to all of the first responders throughout the chaotic city.

"What's wrong?" Hank quickly took notice of Connor's discomfort and waited the deviant to respond. "Another rescue?"

"Correct." Connor cybernetically uploaded the address the car's G.P.S. as he dropped his hand from his temple. "Small structure collapse downtown. It can't be good if they're requesting a police presence."

"Tell me about it. The fire department's so overwhelmed they have to rely on us cops to help pick up the slack when it comes to downed buildings and car accidents." Hank climbed into the car behind the steering wheel and waited for Connor to join him in the front passenger seat. "I can't even begin to imagine what we're going to be dealing with."

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