Heart of the Matter

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A seemingly normal morning took an abnormal turn before noon. Chasing after a well known drug dealer on foot through midtown had ended with Connor struggling against the armed human in the depths of a brick alleyway between two towering buildings that housed two small businesses of full of confused customers. Using his right hand to restrain the man's wrist as he clutched at his gun and using his left hand to push the man backward by the collar of his shirt, Connor successfully held the struggling suspect at bay until his cybernetically requested back-up arrived at his current location betwixt two buildings in the heart of the city.

Police drones circled overhead as they tracked Connor and the man to the alley. The sight of the flashing emergency lights prompted the people inside the neighboring two buildings to remain inside and not go near the alleyway until the man had been apprehended.

"Stop resisting." Connor kept his voice level as he easily restrained the man near the back wall of the alley. "You're under arrest."

"Fuck off!" Grabbing onto Connor's arm with his left hand to try to pry the deviant's hand from his shirt, the man took one step forward and tried to run again and escape the police. "You piece of shit, let go!"

"STOP." With authority in his voice Connor repeated his order as he bent both of the man's arms around his back to be cuffed in place. "STOP NOW."

Jerking wildly the man managed to strike Connor in the center of his plastimetal chest with his right elbow, knocking the wind out of the deviant with the swift blow. Stunned and gasping for breath Connor dismissed the red warnings that popped up in his visual processors as his strength lessened just enough for the man to turn back around and ram his right shoulder into Connor's chest right over where the first impact had landed.

The force was enough to slam Connor's back up against the brick wall with a tremendous slam. As the deviant detective gasped for breath a second time his hands began to shake and he dismissed yet another warning as he refused to simply let the man go from his grip.

"Get the fuck off of me!" The man shouted he he rammed his shoulder into Connor's chest for a third strike and jerked back again to break his arms free from the deviant's strong hands. Despite his best efforts he simply couldn't break free from the deviant's immense strength. "Fuckin' pig!"


The man turned his attention back to the end of the alley where the authoritative feminine voice had echoed only to see the barrel of gun being pointed toward his face and one pissed off officer holding the weapon.

"I'm pretty sure you already know this," Tina stated sharply as she held her ground and kept the suspect at bay. "but let me say it anyway. You're under arrest. Stop resisting, NOW."

With nowhere to go and now a gun pointed at his head the man wisely surrendered and knelt down on the ground submissively as he lifted his hands into the air to be cuffed. "...Bitch."

Connor's hands tightened painfully around the man's arms as he pinned them behind his back and prepared to cuff him. "Watch your language, or I'll add verbal assault to your list of charges."

"Ow, fuck!" The man whined as the cold metal cuffs were slipped into place and locked tight. "You're hurting me!"

"You're being charged with forty-six separate accounts of drug dealing." Connor stated firmly as he forcefully hoisted the cuffed man up to his feet and pushed against his back to make him walk forward to exit the alleyway. "As well fleeing the police and assaulting a police officer. You have more important things to worry about than a sore wrist."

Tina holstered her gun and grabbed onto the man's right arm while Connor stood at his left side. "Careful, Lieutenant. That wrist might be his girlfriend."

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