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The day had started out rather unusual and was only getting worse. Connor and Hank were returning to the precinct after investigating the supposed disappearance of a deviant from his elderly owner's residence - the deviant in question was in fact in the residence and taking care of chores upstairs when the senile old woman believed he had run away. When a second report of a deviant being the victim of a hit and run accident in the street was sent their way the two detectives set out to their next call. The scene of the tragic accident was disturbingly close to the apartment complex where Connor and Lucas resided, which only hastened their arrival to the scene itself and with that arrival came a sense of impending dread.

An android-unique ambulance was already at the scene when Connor and Hank arrived. The Emergency Field Technicians were tending to the victim while Lucas himself was assisting out of the kindness of his heart as he had been an eye witness and would provide some help as he too was a technician.

"Lucas?" Hank addressed the helpful deviant as he and Connor approached the victim laying on the gurney in the back of the ambulance from their parked car. The sight of Lucas at the scene was a little unexpected but welcome all the same. "What're you doing out here?"

"Hank, Connor." Lucas stepped away from the ambulance to speak to the two detectives and family members face to face. "I was on way my out to run some errands when I saw the deviant over there get struck by a speeding vehicle. I tended to his injuries after I summoned emergency services. Unfortunately, the victim, Lloyd, did not survive the accident."

As his blue L.E.D. flashed to yellow Connor's brow furrowed with sadness and curiosity while he watched the technicians in the back of the ambulance pull a white sheet up to cover the victim's face respectfully. "You witnessed the accident?"

"Yes." Confirming that he bore witness to the accident Lucas eagerly stepped up to help in any way he could. "I can identify the vehicle, the license plate and give you an accurate description of the driver if you wish."

"Come on." Hank put his hand on Lucas's shoulder to guide him away from the tragic scene and back to his own car parked just down the street. "We'll take your statement at the precinct and get a warrant for the driver's arrest. You may have just saved us a massive search of the city, kid."

"It's unfortunate I couldn't do more for the victim."

"You saw his killer and you're giving a statement to the police." Reminding Lucas that he was still going to help the victim Hank let the deviant technician climb into the backseats of the Oldsmobile to sit down and fasten his seatbelt. "As long as he gets justice then you've done everything possible to help him."

Due to the personal nature between the two detectives and the lone witness to the fatal traffic accident Connor and Hank had to recuse themselves from taking the witness statement and made sure Captain Fowler knew of the circumstances before anyone else told him. In response Chris took the initiative and wrote down every word that Lucas said and was truly grateful for the deviant's eidetic, perfect recollection of the accident itself as well as the incredibly detailed depiction of the driver that the artistically talented deviant had created by his own hand. The accurate details and overall efficiency of the deviant mind were making the investigation much easier than anticipated.

While the two detectives waited at their desks for Lucas to finish giving his statement Gavin approached the duo with utter confusion plastered on his face and dared to ask about Lucas as he had caught a glimpse of the deviant through the window of the interview room. It was widely believed that Connor was the only android of his kind.

"Uh, Lieutenant?" Motioning to the interview window Gavin asked his crass comment with a charm exclusive to his abrasive personality. "What the fuck is that thing that's talking to Chris?"

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