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It was a bright sunny summer afternoon and a mass of people had gathered at Hart Plaza to witness the scheduled conference announcing the collaboration between City Hall and New Jericho Tower. By combining the resources, the offices and connections throughout the city, the prosperity that had been shown toward deviant androids in the three and half years since the night of the Revolution would return to the city as a whole. With that union all freed deviants would return to work as electricians, on construction crews, waste management and twenty-four hour care providers; but now they would be paid for services rather than used like tools or free labor.

Connor stood inside the main lobby of New Jericho Tower with a steeled facade as he waited for Markus and North to join him. Donning a Kevlar vest under his white dress shirt and holding an additional protective vest for Markus to wear, Connor mentally prepared himself for the massive assignment and responsibility that he had been entrusted.

"Connor." Markus greeted as he and North departed from the elevator side by side, their white plastimetal handles intertwined in a loving grasp at their sides as they walked. "I know you're here to offer some protection, but I doubt this will be necessary."

"I hope you're correct, but I'd prefer it if you didn't take any chances today."

"Do you suspect someone will try something?"

"Yes." The deviant detective confirmed as he held out the Kevlar vest to the two approaching leaders of New Jericho. The fact that he was willingly wearing body armor was a clear sign he was anticipating potential problems. "I don't want to risk your life over misplaced faith in humanity."

The look in Markus's mismatched eyes spoke more volumes than his words ever could. "That was really dark."

"My apologies, I assure I'm not trying to be cynical." Connor felt a twinge of shame as he watched as Markus held up the Kevlar in uncertainty. "But I refuse to allow my friend to be put in harm's way when I have the means of protecting him. Despite all of our efforts in maintaining equality between humans and deviants, there is still bigotry on both sides that can result in a violent confrontation."

North squeezed Markus's hand as she took the offered vest in her right hand and pressed it against Markus's chest. "He's right. If something happens to you then everything we've worked for will collapse. The inhabitants in the tower would want revenge."

Markus still had his doubts about the claims and even challenged North on the comment. "How can you be so sure that revenge would be the immediate reaction?"

"Because I would be the one to lead the charge. You know that."

"North," the look in Markus's eyes intensified as he turned to look at his bondmate. "you'd actually spill blood and risk war over one deviant's death?"

"Only if I had been driven to it. I won't start any fights but I sure as hell won't stand aside and watch as our people struggle to keep everything we've already worked so hard for in our power. I'm just stating facts, not spouting hate."

Connor spoke up in a somber voice as he addressed the deviant leader, his friend, with utmost respect. "Markus, we don't mean to be macabre or cruel with our concerns. We're just being realistic."

"Well, this isn't the kind of reality I want to accept." Reluctantly Markus slipped off his plain black button down dress shirt and placed the Kevlar vest over his bare chest and secured it into place. As he rebuttoned his shirt he gave Connor a stern, if not determined, look. "And I'll do everything I can to change it for the better of our people and for the humans who walk beside us."

Nodding in approval Connor accepted Markus's vow to keep the peace. "I trust you to keep your word."

As much as she hated to see Markus leave North knew that he had to go for the benefit of their people. "I hope you can." North kissed Markus on his lips and stepped back from him reluctantly as she slowly pulled her hands away from both sides of his face. "I'll be here waiting for you, so you better come back to me."

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