A Favor

19 1 0

While Connor sat on the couch and threw Sumo's green fetch ball into the kitchen for the twenty-second time that surprisingly chilly evening, Hank finished changing into his relatively nicer clothes in his bedroom. After listening to Hank grumble about the stupidity of class reunions through the closed bedroom door down the hallway for the past twelve minutes, Connor turned to look over his shoulder and the back of the couch to stare down the hallway until Hank finally emerged wearing a pair of dark gray slacks, a white t-shirt and a pale blue button down shirt over top of it. It was strange to see the senior detective wearing mellowed out clothing in comparison to his less than professional attire at the precinct.

Considering fall was quickly turning to winter it shouldn't have been all that shocking revolving around a change of attire. Neither detectives liked the cold air and both preferred warmth over anything chilly.

"All right, so I should be back by ten tonight. I hate going to these damn things, but," Hank fished the car keys from his jeans pocket and let out an annoyed sigh as he checked the time on his phone and absentmindedly sat it back down on the bookshelf. "some things you just have to put up with for the sake of your friends. Even if they aren't really your friends anymore."

"What exactly is a 'class reunion' anyway?" Sumo dropped the drool covered green ball at Connor's feet once more and the deviant threw it back into the kitchen for the playful dog to chase after for the twenty-third time. "Deviants don't have such a notion."

"It's when you meet up with the people you graduated high school with and compare how great or shitty your life turned out after that 'first day of the rest of our lives' crap." Pulling a lighter brown jacket on over his shoulders Hank made his way to the front door to take his leave. "I'd let you go with me but I think you'd be better off here and away from a bunch of drunk assholes who love to give their unsolicited opinions on shit they know nothing about."

The comment made Connor's blue L.E.D. shift to red then flicker on yellow with concern. "...Drunk?"

"Relax, kid. I won't touch anything remotely alcoholic until I get back home. No impaired driving from me, I promise." Opening the front door Hank took one step through the doorway into the brisk air and held his head up high as he saw Connor's yellow L.E.D. return to blue. "Trust me, I'll need it later. So don't try to talk me out of it!"

As the door shut behind Hank with a quiet 'click' Sumo dropped the ball at Connor's feet again, but rather than wait for Connor to pick up to throw it for another round the tired old dog plopped down in his pillow in the corner of the livingroom for a rest. Laying down on his side and panting heavily with his tongue hanging out his mouth, the older dog was ready for an evening nap.

"Sorry, boy. I didn't mean to wear you out."

Connor rolled the green ball away from his feet and over to Sumo's bed with a casual nudge from his foot while he looked about the house to find something to preoccupy his mind. Settling on his guitar sitting idle in his bedroom Connor stood up to go retrieve the instrument to resume composing his newest song. As he made his way toward the hallway a 'buzzing' sound filled the livingroom making him freeze mid step. Tracking the sound down to Hank's phone left on the bookshelf Connor picked it up curiously and noted the called I.D. on the display.

"Hank forgot his phone and now Gavin is calling..."

Initially unsure of what to do Connor decided to answer the phone rather than ignore the call, and figured Hank wouldn't mind since it could be a call relating to a case. Pressing the green 'answer' button on the phone Connor acknowledged the call and answered as casually as he would any other phone call.

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