Broken Leg

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A dangerous pursuit of a purse snatcher, one who foolishly committed the crime in front of an unmarked police car, led Connor through an inactive construction site as he attempted to catch the human thief on foot. Running along tall, metal, red colored support beams that hung almost twenty feet above the vacant, dirt covered ground the nimble deviant detective was able to easily navigate the dangerous terrain while the human thief himself struggled to maintain his balance. The thief was beginning to exhaust himself from trying to flee, and would either become too tired to run or simply run out of places to try to run along as he tried to escape Connor's pursuit.

On the ground below Gavin, Connor's temporary partner while Hank recovered from his pneumonia, watched the chase taking place above his head and only bothered to ascend the structure when he saw that Connor had chased the thief to the edge of the scaffolding and had him trapped. The man had nowhere left to run and would need to surrender peacefully.

Scoffing at the way Connor swiftly ran about the metal structure Gavin thumbed his nose and put his hands to his hips as he watched the chase taking place above his head as he trailed up to the scene of the action slowly. "Fucking show-off."

Sliding to an awkward stop on the scaffolding the thief teetered on the edge of the towering height and threatened to topple over at any second as he desperately tried to elude Connor. Panting heavily and hanging on to his stolen goods the thief look around desperately and struggled to regain his balance before it was too late.

"Don't move!"

Connor urged as he grabbed onto the thief's flailing right arm to pull him back away from the edge and toward safety. Instinctively positioning himself behind the thief Connor prepared to pull the wobbling man back from the edge quickly in the event he did in fact fall to keep him from getting hurt.

"You're on very unstable footing. You're under arrest."

The thief, selfish and determined to get away, proceeded to turn quickly on his heels and ram his right shoulder into the center of Connor's abdomen causing the deviant to stumble backward and fall over the opposite edge of the narrow scaffolding in the process. Grabbing onto the edge of the metal beam with both hands Connor held tight as his gyroscope struggled to recalibrate itself as a wave of dizziness washed over him courtesy of the impact to his abdomen.

"Hey, asshole!" Gavin had reached the top of the structure just in time to see Connor fall over the edge, but he was more interested in the purse snatcher than helping his partner. "FREEZE." The abrasive detective shouted as he pulled his gun from the holster on his right hip and aimed the weapon at the thief before he had the chance to run again. "Hands in the air!"

Upon seeing the gun pointed at him the thief did as he was instructed and raised his hands into the air nice and slowly. The very sight of the gun was enough to cause his blood to run cold and he realized he wasn't going to escape. "O-Okay man... You got me!"

"Hands behind your back." Gavin commanded in a gruff tone as he took his pair of handcuffs from his belt to arrest the thief. "You're under arrest, jackass."

Against his will Connor's hands began to slip and lose grip. "Gavin? I need assistance!"

"I got 'em!" Cuffing the thief's hands behind his back Gavin just sneered at Connor as he hauled the thief back up to his feet. "You can deal with a little fall, can't you? Freak..."

With his grip weakening Connor tried to pull himself back up over the edge of the scaffolding but it was too late. His hands lost their grip as his system failed to recalibrate in time from the wave of dizziness he suffered from being struck.

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