Hearing and Listening

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It was a relatively quiet evening at the precinct as very few cases had been reported throughout the day. The tension in the city seemed to be diminishing now that winter was thawing and staying thawed allowing more warm days to grace Detroit for longer periods of time. The painful wounds and scars left behind after the Revolution the previous November were only just beginning to heal, and such a recovery would undoubtedly take time that couldn't be measured in minutes or even days. Healing wasn't just limited to the humans and the deviants involved with the events from that fateful snowy night, hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country were just beginning to accept what happened and heal as time moved forward and changes progressed with little to no incident.

Seemingly the evening and night were destined to stay quiet, that was of course until Gavin and Chris returned to the precinct with an obnoxious and violent drunken human male in custody. Loud, belligerent and ready for a fight the drunk man proceeded to yell and struggle against the two officers dragging him through the precinct to sleep it off in the drunk tank adjacent to the standard holding cells.

"Hey, hey!" Chris shouted as he fought to keep a grip on the flailing drunk man's right arm alongside Gavin. The scrawny man was proving to be a challenge to wrangle about even in a drunken state. "Calm down!"

"YOU calm down..." The drunk slurred as he continued to resist arrest and violently swing his cuffed arms behind his back. "Sh-Shut up! Pig!"

Gavin was getting far too annoyed to handle the situation any longer and asked for a little back-up before he did anything regrettable and potentially career ending toward the aggressive drunk. "A little help over here, please!"

From their connected desks Connor and Hank had been watching the clumsy escort when Gavin asked for assistance. Always ready to volunteer and help his fellow officers the deviant detective rose from his chair and walked over to the drunken man with the intent of grabbing onto his left arm to usher him over to the appointed cell.

When the drunken fool saw the blue L.E.D. in Connor's temple he immediately began spouting anti-android hate in Connor's direction. "Fuck you! Plastic freak..." Slurring, stumbling and very angry the man spat alcohol scented drool toward Connor as he continued to be combative and rude. "T-Took my job! My houz'! My ruzpect!"

"Sir," always polite and professional Connor attempted to use his skills as a negotiator to calm the situation down. "I can assure you I have done no such thing to-"

"SHUT UP!" The drunk and enraged man refused to keep walking and began lashing out at Connor with violent swings of his cuffed arms and kicks from his graceless, shaking legs. At an impressive six foot two in height the man towered over the arrested officers and continued to swing his long arms and legs about like a frightened animal. "GET OUTTA' MY FACE!"

Ready to end the ordeal Chris again tried to restrain the disruptive man by standing behind him and wrapping both of his arms around the man's chest to pull him backward on his feet. "Come on, man. Don't make this any harder than it already is!"

Gavin was trying to get a hold of the drunk man's left arm again only to receive an elbow to the nose that instantly caused him to shout in pain as his nose 'crunched' and gushed blood. Within seconds his head began to ache and black dots swarmed his vision from the harsh blow to his nose. "Fuck!" Swearing loudly as his legs gave out and he fell to his knees Gavin lost his grip on the man's arm as he covered his bleeding nose with both hands. "Fuckin' asshole!"

"Gavin?" Connor turned his attention to Gavin after he had been wounded and foolishly took his eyes from the drunk man who then kicked Connor in his right side with enough force that it caused the deviant to stumble backward and fall against the corner of a nearby desk.

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