Who Is RA9?

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The historic day was now behind him and Connor had a new place to call his own until he figured out what he wanted to do with his free life. Too busy thinking and planning for the future Connor sat on the couch in Hank's livingroom dressed in gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt with the Sumo resting his chin on his right knee. Staring at his reflection on the surface of the turned off television's screen the restless deviant flipped his coin back and forth between his hands with impressive reflexes and coordination as he contemplated the singular mystery that he and Hank had failed to solve during their time together working the deviant cases.

Who is RA9?

Hank had been dozing lightly in his bedroom down the hall while Connor remained fully awake. His trained ears as a detective caught the sound of the flicking metal of the coin bouncing back and forth between Connor's hands and Hank couldn't take the repetitive noise anymore.

"Connor? Stop messing with that damn coin!" Hank shouted from where he was laying in his bed with an angry huff. The sound of the metal coin flipping back and forth remained consistent which meant his order had been ignored. Again. "Connor!" He shouted louder from where he was laying. "Knock it off!"

As the sound of the coin continued to echo down the hallway Hank let out an annoyed sigh and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. Wearing black sweatpants and an old white t-shirt the annoyed detective marched down the hall hastily to yell at Connor in person for waking him up.

"Connor? Did you hear me?" Standing behind the couch Hank stared at Connor waiting for a reply, but none came. It was then Hank caught sight of Connor's reflection on the television screen and saw the sternly focused expression fixed on the deviant's face. The L.E.D. that Connor had yet to remove was flashing yellow in color as he contemplated something with full focus and tuned out the rest of the house. "Connor? What the hell? It's almost two in the morning for fuck sake!"

Connor suddenly stopped flipping the coin between his hands and held it in his tight right fist.

"Connor?" Hank's tone lowered as he walked around the couch to look Connor right in the eyes. "You okay? You seem a little off."

"Sorry, Lieutenant." Connor apologized sincerely though his expression never changed and he never blinked. "I was just... thinking."

"We're not on the clock, don't call me 'Lieutenant'."

"Right." Correcting himself Connor politely apologized to his friend. "Sorry, Hank."

"Never mind that. You said you were thinking. Thinking about what? The Revolution is over, the current deviant cases have been closed and you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to." Hank stated as he joined the deviant he had taken into his home on the couch on the opposite side of Sumo. "What's the matter?"


The mythical deviant god had been the least of Hank's worries. "What about it?"

"We never discovered their true identity. And I don't have any confirmed data of such an android being on record at CyberLife."

"Wait... So you're telling me that this 'RA9', if it actually does exist, has no official documentation. Like it's been erased?"

"No. If their information had been erased I'd still be able to locate a fragment of the file in the archives of CyberLife's databases even after the company shutdown and declared bankruptcy. But there is simply NOTHING there." The deviant clarified almost bitterly. "And yet..."

Hank waited for Connor to continue for only a moment before pushing the deviant to finish his incomplete thought. "Yet? Yet what?"

"And yet when I questioned Kamski about RA9 he knew that it existed and didn't try to deny it. How could he know about RA9 if he separated himself from the company and CyberLife has no record of it?"

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