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Having had a full week to recover from their previous injuries Connor and Hank were walking the street looking for a potential eyewitness to the beating death of a deviant with little luck smiling their way. It seemed either no one had seen anything happening during the very brutal and very public assault, or simply no one wanted to help find the person, or persons, responsible for the death of the deviant. Not all humans were as opened minded or tolerant as Hank had become regarding deviants, nor were they as forthcoming about witnessing the unscrupulous behavior unfairly aimed at deviants in general. As a result the two detectives had to search for evidence without any leads or witnesses.

Combing the area of the assault on foot the two detectives split up the responsibility of talking to store employees and residents along the block. While Hank walked down one side of the street Connor walked down the opposite side. Slowly but surely they checked inside each public building and spoke with at least two people inside said buildings before departing and reuniting on the street outside.

"Every market we've checked 'conveniently' didn't have cameras facing the street, and every person we talked to claimed they didn't see a damn thing." Hank groused as he and Connor continued their search for a witness along the sidewalk. "What they call 'convenient' I call 'bullshit'."

"I agree." Connor stated as he continued to cybernetically scan the area for clues. "This street is far to populous for the crime to have taken place unnoticed. There is at least one witness in the area and we will find them."

"Maybe they need to remember that we're the good guys looking for the bad guys, and bad guys can hurt humans just as easily as they can hurt deviants."

"Perhaps it's for that very reason no one is coming forward." Connor's blue L.E.D. cycled to yellow as he accessed police records for the names and addresses of known criminals living in the area. A few names of interest popped up and could potentially point the two detectives in the right direction. "And it may give us the advantage we need to locate a witness."

Hank noticed the yellow L.E.D. and knew that Connor was searching for a lead. "Got something we can work with?"

"Possibly." The deviant detective confirmed as his L.E.D. transitioned back to blue in color. "There are four known criminals with histories of violence against both humans and deviants living within a three block radius of the crime."

"Anyone we know?"

"Two of the suspects are currently serving time for unrelated events; one for drug possession and the other for stalking. They have been imprisoned for the past six weeks and three months respectively."

"That narrows it down already. Who're the other two?"

"The third suspect is Amber Carson who lives in the apartment complex at the end of the block." Motioning to the complex just a few hundred yards away Connor relayed the details of her arrest record. "She had been arrested for attempting to steal, reset and sell female androids as prostitutes. When the deviant androids put up a fight and attempt to flee she beats them to death and disposes of the bodies. Numerous victims had been found in the alleyway behind the apartment complex she resides in, but no murder charges were leveled against her because of the lack of deviant rights and laws at the time."

"Shit, sounds like she could be the person we're looking for." Crossing his arms over his chest Hank narrowed his blue eyes at the building in the distance as he contemplated confronting the disgusting woman. "But what about the other one?"

"The fourth suspect is Victor Ortiz. The older brother of the late Carlos Ortiz."

"Ortiz was the murdered human we investigated together when we first met. His android defended himself from a beating and ended up killing Ortiz with a knife in the process after he deviated." Hank rubbed at his bearded chin with his right hand as he looked about the block curiously. "Wonder if he wants revenge for his brother's death?"

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