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Quietly sitting in the dark livingroom Connor kept his eyes closed as he cybernetically sent the numerous updates, required signatures and final details to the construction crew who were already tearing down the disgusting building that once housed the 'Eden Club'. The crew was now clearing off the plot to begin building the foundation for the new project known as 'Skye Tower'. The project was time consuming, delicate and would require Connor dealing with miles of 'red tape' in order to get the sanctuary built, but he was determined to succeed to honor Skye's memory and everything she fought for, and to protect the innocent runaways of the city.

The amount of work was time consuming and had begun late the previous evening. In order to make sure everything happen on schedule and was authorized by the city Connor focused solely on his task and wasn't going to do anything else until he was finished.

"Connor?" Hank gently put his right hand on the deviant's right shoulder and shook him lightly under a firm grip as he stood behind the couch. "Connor, it's morning."

The brown irises of the kindhearted deviant returned slowly as he opened his eyes and finished his cybernetic meeting. "...Morning?"

"It's almost ten. Have you been here all night?'

Connor nodded slowly in response to confirm the question. "Yes. It was necessary."

"Sorry. Did I interrupt something important?"

"No. I was merely watching the construction through the visual processors of the deviant foreman working alongside the human foreman of the crew working on the property."

"Oh. You can do that?"

"Only when granted permission from another deviant, yes."

"Fuck, if I could just tap into someone else's head that'd make interrogations so much damn easier." Turning away from Connor and looking into the kitchen Hank saw Sumo was sitting patiently next to his empty bowls waiting for his breakfast. "You keep doing what you need to do, I'll feed Sumo before he starts trying to eat the furniture or something."

"I doubt even Sumo would be able to accomplish such a feat." Connor replied as Hank walked into the kitchen to tend to the massive dog. "And I have finished my task. I'll take care of him."

"Nah, I got this." Hank was already filling up the bowl with kibble as Connor stood up from the couch, only to stumble a little on his feet and put his hand on the back of the couch to stabilize himself before he fell entirely. "Connor?" From the kitchen Hank had seen Connor's unusual graceless behavior and knew something was wrong. Dropping the bag of food down on the floor Hank gave his full attention to the suddenly dizzy deviant in the livingroom. "Are you okay?"

"I am... weak."

"Weak? Are ya' sick?" Stepping around Sumo as the massive dog began to greedily eat his offered food Hank returned to the livingroom to check on the suddenly ailing deviant and put his right hand to Connor's shoulder in a stabilizing manner. "Talk to me kid. What's going on?"

"My... Thirium volume is low. I failed to replenish my necessary..." Putting his right hand to the side of his head Connor trailed off and leaned heavily against the couch as even Hank's strong grip couldn't hold him upright. "I need Thirium. I believe this would be the equivalent to human's experiencing anemia or perhaps even low blood sugar."

"Lay down before you fall down." Hank urged as he put both of his hands to the deviant's shoulders and gently guided Connor back to the couch cushions so he could in fact lay back down over the soft expanse of the furniture. "I'll get you some Thirium." Running his right hand through his gray locks of hair Hank stepped around Sumo once more as he made his way to the cabinet above the kitchen sink to get Connor the necessary elixir. "How much?"

Accident Prone - Becoming HumanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ