Watch Your Back

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A stand-off between the police and a gathering of the remaining anti-android gang members at an abandoned warehouse had resulted in a spray of bullets, blue blood, red blood and demanding shouts from both sides to give up and surrender. Hank, Connor, Gavin and Tina were in the heart of the conflict and found themselves caught in the crossfire after responding to a reported call of two deviants found dead in the warehouse. Unfortunately the double homicide was also a ruse; a trap to isolate the police officers who were willing to handle cases regarding damaged or killed androids throughout the city. The four officers unintentionally sprung that trap.

Trapped within the concrete and reinforced steel walls of the old building the quartet banded together to try to think of a solution to their potentially lethal predicament. Unable to leave the building or expect back-up to infiltrate the building to give them an advantage through greater numbers, the four detectives and officers had no choice but to hold their ground and fight back.

"Son of a bitch!" Hank swore as he ducked down behind a massive lead pipe jutting out of the ground of the warehouse. A deep crimson line of blood stained Hank's jeans over his right knee after a bullet grazed his leg with a painfully quick passing before becoming embedded in the wall several behind him. "Connor," putting his hand over the wound Hank called out to the deviant ducking down a few feet from where he was hiding. "how many are out there?!"

Connor's L.E.D. cycled in yellow rapidly as he scanned the building from where he was crouched down to Hank's right while he using a massive hydraulic press as a shield to protect himself from the bullets. "There are six active shooters on the premises. You and I are here on the ground floor while Gavin and Tina are on the catwalk above us attempting to get a clear shot."

"Are the radios working?"

"Negative." Ending his cybernetic scan Connor returned his attention to the shooters and kept track of their every movement. "I'm detecting copious amounts of lead and magnetically charged metal fragments disrupting communication strewn about the walls, floors and surrounding pipes."

"Can you contact the precinct and request back-up?"

"Negative. My cybernetic processors have been greatly stunted and can only scan our immediate area."


There was a sharp yelp of pain from above as Tina let out a groan then immediately stifled it as she went for cover. Not long after an eruption of gunfire rained down on the shooters as evidently Gavin was not happy that his partner had been injured in the line of duty.

"I believe Officer Chen has been wounded." Connor acknowledged as he looked up to the catwalk above and ran another scan confirming fresh blood belonging to the officer was now presently dripping onto the surface of the catwalk above. "...And Gavin is pissed."

"How bad is she hurt?"


"Can you get to her?" Hank asked as he peered around the pipe and squeezed the trigger on his own gun twice to try to subdue the nearest gang member approaching with his own gun already drawn. It worked enough to keep the shooter at bay, but he wouldn't stay back for long. "I need you to try!"

"I can make an attempt, yes."

"Then go!"

"Hank," motioning to the blood stain on Hank's leg Connor reminded his partner of his own condition. "you're wounded as well."

"I'll be fine, it's just a scratch. Go!" Hank shouted again as he reloaded his gun with a new clip and took aim around the pipe ready to squeeze the trigger once more. "Check on Tina and Gavin. That's an order. Now go!"

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