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Early in the morning shortly after clocking-in at the precinct right on time Connor had tracked down a dangerous criminal who had been attacking deviants and harvesting biocomponents for illegal sales to sell in the very few remaining underground markets. Connor was now in pursuit of the fleeing suspect as they tried to escape the police on foot. Racing over the rooftops of the closely positioned apartment complexes and hotels in a less than ideal neighborhood the determined deviant detective managed to catch up the human with little difficulty on his own part, but even though Connor was fast the human was proving himself to be too stubborn to be taken into custody without a fight.

While Connor raced over the rooftops in pursuit of the suspect Hank followed after his partner on the street in the Oldsmobile. Using his radio Hank relayed the chase and soon had Chris in his own squad car joining in on the pursuit down on the streets.

"Stop! Detroit Police!" Connor shouted as he tried to get the suspect to surrender peacefully as he cornered the man at the edge of a roof overlooking a steep drop into the cold alleyway below. "There's nowhere to run. Surrender now."

Not wanting anything to do with androids after what he had been doing to them in his garage for the past six months the desperate suspect leapt onto the neglected metal ladder of the building's fire escape just under the ledge of the rooftop, and immediately began to slip as the aged bolts of the framing began to break away from the brick exterior with a rapid shuddering. The man's weight was too much for the old metal and crumbling brick to properly support and was well on its way to collapsing entirely.

Reacting quickly Connor jumped onto the fire escape balcony next to the criminal and wrapped both of his arms around the human's chest as he stood behind him. Jumping up and backward from the collapsing fire escape toward the open alleyway, Connor used his own body to protect the fragile human as he landed partially on his left side onto the hood of an abandoned, rusted car in the alley four floors below.

Connor let out a yelp of pain as he made contact with the metal hood crunching under his body, but he never let go of the suspect in the process of the fall or the painful impact. During the chase Connor's L.E.D. had been yellow but now it was flashing in red as his systems processed the sudden pain shooting up his left arm and concentrating in his shoulder joint as the damage was registered.

Hank and Chris, who had stopped their vehicles outside the alleyway, heard the crunching sound of metal echoing from the alley and rushed in to check on the commotion. The suspect wrestled free from Connor's weakening grip and fell to his hands and knees in the alleyway with a heavy 'thud' in a graceless fall. Before he could get up to run again he found himself staring down two barrels of two guns pointed directly at him courtesy of Detroit's finest.

"Don't move!" Hank demanded as he kept his gun trained on the suspect while Chris took the cuffs from his belt to finally arrest the man. "You're under arrest."

Too tired to resist the man raised his hands up to the back of his head and stayed on his knees to surrender peacefully while Chris cuffed the man's wrists easily.

"Chris, Get him back to the precinct." With the man cuffed Hank ordered Chris to get the man out of his sight as he watched Connor awkwardly slide off the hood of the broken down car in a limp heap, and plant his feet down on the ground. Holstering his gun at his right hip the senior detective walked over to where Connor was now standing and gave him an annoyed look. "I need to speak with my partner."

"Right, Lieutenant." Chris led the exhausted suspect to his squad car parked just outside the alley while Hank checked in on Connor. The suspect was continuing to struggle a little, but Chris just tightened his grip on the suspect's arms to keep him cooperative. "Come on, don't make this any worse than it already is. Trust me, you don't want to make the Lieutenant came after you next."

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