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Keeping busy at his desk while sorting through his rather simple cases Connor fidgeted with his coin over his knuckles and stared intently at the glowing terminal screen before himself. A few reports of deviants being affected by the beta software created by Digital Sentience had been confirmed, but fortunately none of the affected deviants had suffered any permanent damage, including Simon. Aside from a few minor cases of mistaken identity or paranoid delusions from still bigoted humans and deviants alike, there were no violent or murderous cases that required Connor's immediate attention. He had quite some time to work on other matters without slack in his responsibilities.

Cybernetically cycling through android rights, laws and privileges, Connor continued to search for legal loopholes regarding androids having the right to a family and made sure that Luke would be able to live his life without any obstacles. Having someone who had been legally declared dead revived and registered under a new model and serial number was rather tedious.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant?" Jack approached Connor's desk and stood at his side. The young deviant was slowly showing more emotion on his face and carrying it in his voice as he continued to grow and adapt as a free individual. "There is a reported case of a breaking and entering at an abandoned CyberLife research facility on the outskirts of town."

"Oh?" Turning his gaze away from the terminal screen Connor locked eyes with the blond deviant addressing him, his coin continuing its graceful dance with perfect rhythm over his left knuckles. "Who reported it?"

"A security camera programmed to record any and all movement sent an alert to the precinct by default."

"Why did the security footage alert this specific precinct of the break-in?"

"Since CyberLife revolved around androids, and this particular precinct is still the only one in the jurisdiction handling android and deviant related cases, the alert was automatically sent here for proper investigation."

"Interesting. Where is the security footage?"

Jack's blue eyes closed and his blue L.E.D. flickered to yellow briefly. "...I have just uploaded the footage to your terminal."

"Thank you, Jack."

"Will that be all, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, that'll be all. Good work."

Taking his leave of Connor's desk Jack resumed his normal routine and met up with Chris at their own desks a few feet away. The two officers were becoming fairly good friends and were showing promise as a great team.

Connor returned his attention to the terminal screen and located the uploaded video footage that Jack had provided. Initiating playback on the footage Connor identified the facility as the single structure outside of the city limits within milliseconds. The facility had been abandoned the morning after the Revolution and a majority of the research had been left behind as per Elijah Kamski's instructions. It was also the facility that housed the grotesque abomination of an android that had been left to guard the property and had nearly killed Connor when he and Kara had searched the place to locate the cure for a virus that was causing significant emotional unrest in deviants.

As the footage played out and revealed the face of the intruder Connor felt the coin on his hand falter as his heart skipped a beat in his chest.


Turning off his terminal screen Connor quickly made his way to Hank's office and pushed open the door without knocking first. Cybernetically he engaged the frost over the glass walls of the office to ensure that he could speak with Hank in total privacy.

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