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The afternoon was hectic for the two detectives as the duo had been assigned a double murder case and already had the prime suspect in custody. Hank had the responsibility of interrogating the suspect while Connor remained at his terminal to check through the collected evidence to either confirm or alter their regarding the murder theory. As the deviant sat in deep contemplation while he easily and accurately chronicled every detail, he gracefully danced his coin over the knuckles of his left hand with a perfect rhythm to recalibrate his reflexes and overall hand-eye coordination post update.

"Hey, 'Tinman'." Gavin tossed a ball of paper against Connor's left shoulder from his own desk a few feet away from where Connor was sitting. It successfully caught Connor's attention as the deviant's posture stiffened slightly but he didn't turn to look. "You gotta' visitor!"

"Visitor?" The coin stopped its dance and rested over Connor's left knuckles as he turned his head and looked toward Gavin's desk. He spotted Skye standing there with a sincere smile on her face as she waited Connor to notice her. "Skye..." The coin suddenly fell from the back of Connor's hand but the quick deviant made a grab for the quarter before it fell to the floor only to have it bounce off his hand clumsily. As he finally caught the coin with his right hand he slipped it back into his jean pocket and stood up from his desk quickly to greet the unexpected deviant. "H-Hello, Skye. How can I help you?"

"Hi, Connor." Skye approached him with her very warm smile and handed him a small electronic tablet she had brought with her from New Jericho Tower. "I'm glad I caught you. I know you're busy but I was hoping you'd be able to look over the new security protocols at New Jericho. To, you know, see if there's any flaws in the design that we should change."

"Uh, y-yeah, sure..." Connor accepted the tablet and motioned to a vacant interview room at the far side of the bullpen. "I have time to spare. We can discuss this in private if you wish."

"Great. I appreciate it."

"It's not a problem." Connor felt a sudden warmth spreading in his chest as he spoke to Skye and he wasn't sure why it was happening. It reminded him of the feeling her had when he was briefly reunited with Kara, then felt again when he saw Skye at Markus and North's bonding ceremony. "I'm happy to help."

"Is... Hank here?" Skye asked in a low somewhat shy voice as Connor showed her to the private interview room on the other side of the bullpen. "I don't want to interrupt anything."

"Hank is currently preoccupied with a suspect in an interrogation room." Connor replied as he opened the door for Skye and then followed her inside and closed the door quietly behind them. As the two deviants sat at the table side by side Connor looked over the tablet quickly and read over the numerous new security programs that had been installed at the rebuilt tower. "...This is very impressive. May I ask who is responsible for these improvements?"

"You're already talking to her."

Connor's brow arched with surprise, then intrigue and finally true awe at Skye's clever engineering. "...Very resourceful."


"Have you recovered the stolen information that Eddie and George had taken from the archives or uncover their final plan with the stolen information?"

"Josh tracked down the stolen information to an external server at an old CyberLife warehouse. He's confident the theft was just to prove some kind of point to Markus about the tower not being a perfectly infallible stronghold. No one purchased it or copied it elsewhere."

"Infallible or not, it's still a sanctuary and open to all deviants. Their behavior was selfish and myopic."

"Yeah, you're right. What do you think of this?" Skye asked as she put her hands on the tablet next to Connor's hands and opened a specific file for him to view next. "It's a few form of android recognition software that can be used in a similar manner to that of using fingerprints in humans."

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