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Loyal and still worried about Hank's poor health Connor had remained overnight at Hank's house along with Lucas,while the senior detective was still ill. As much as he wanted to call off work to take care of Hank until he had recovered to a more comfortable degree Connor knew that he needed to let Lucas have the chance to be the caring deviant that he knew his little brother could be, and in turn truly earn Hank's trust. The desire to let his unorthodox family become closer was a surprising reaction that Connor hadn't anticipated when he began to bond with Lucas just as easily as he had done with Hank ever since the night of the Revolution.

Before reluctantly leaving the house Connor quietly crept into Hank's bedroom without waking the ill man to ensure that the human's health hadn't degraded during the night. With a light hand to the forehead Connor was relieved to find that Hank's fever had dropped considerably and would break sooner rather than later.

"All vitals are stable."

The deviant whispered as if he needed to say the readings out loud to make them set in stone.

"I'll be back after my shift, Hank. You'll recover soon."

Leaving the bedroom just as quietly as he entered Connor located his younger brother standing just outside the opened backdoor as Lucas had let Sumo out for the morning. The deviant technician had grown to enjoy the company of animals just as much as Connor had and in turn was happy to tend to Sumo's needs just as he would for anyone else.

"Lucas, I'll be back at approximately five-fourteen p.m. this evening." Connor announced as he cybernetically calculated his time frame regarding an average workload during his shift. "If you require me to purchase any additional items to aid in Hank's recovery contact me and I will make the necessary transaction on my way back to the house."

"Thank you, Connor." Lucas turned his head to look back at Connor standing in the middle of the kitchen. "I'm certain everything will be fine. However, if I do require anything I will be sure to contact you."

Nodding at his younger brother's confident attitude Connor took his leave for the day to be begin his shift. "Very well. I will see you both later."

The day went by quickly as Connor found himself dealing with an anti-android zealot who had tried, and failed, to set off a large bomb with the intent of framing deviants at the now relatively infamous Stratford Broadcast Tower. If the coldhearted human had actually known the proper method for wiring his crudely and cheaply constructed pipebomb there would have been a small chance that he could've gotten away with his attack. Once the police were called to the tower by a keen-eyed security guard to the scene of the failed assault and had witnessed the crazy human attempting to fix the wiring on said bomb in person, it was all over for the malicious and hateful human.

After enduring a barrage of hate speech, slurs and insults Connor escorted the failed bomber into the interrogation room where Gavin happily got into a shouting match with the loudmouthed human, while also questioning the man for his blatant stupidity. It didn't take too long for the hate filled human to confess to everything and to be brought up on charges ranging from trespassing to attempted murder.

While Gavin had the 'joy' of talking to the suspect it was Chris and Tina who had to go through the man's house and confiscate all of his explosives, weapons and the notebooks he used to detail the extent of his failed plan and would-be other plans. The evidence was damning to say the least.

As soon as Connor finished filing his report he readily left the precinct and walked to Hank's house at a steady clip. Stepping up the front walk Connor was happily greeted by Sumo who had been circling around the property all evening waiting to be let back inside the house. Seeing Connor just seemed to make the loyal dog's evening.

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