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Although he wasn't quite one-hundred percent recovered from his unfortunate encounter with a disgruntled deviant from the past Connor had decided the best way for him to feel as normal as soon as possible was to return to the precinct and resume work. Hank was still benched with his minor concussion which meant that Connor had to return to work alone as he didn't currently have his partner at the precinct. Wisely Captain Fowler decided to keep Connor on desk duty until Hank returned, seeing as the two were an excellent team and he didn't want Connor getting pushed too much after surviving what surely should've been his death.

It was an unusual sight to see the desk unoccupied as he sat down at his own terminal to clock-in, but Connor was able to adjust to the change and easily catch up on his case files. Paperwork was a deviant's specialty and Connor had no problem getting everything caught up while he took it easy.

"Here's six more files regarding suspicious deviant behavior." Captain Fowler placed the U.S.B. drive containing the information down on Connor's desk and slid it toward his healed right hand. "Go ahead and log them with the rest."

"I will do so, Captain."

"No time limit." The seasoned Captain stated as he walked by the desk to return to his office to handle his own tasks. "Finish it whenever you can. And, it's good to have you back where you belong, Connor."

"Thank you, sir. I'll take care of everything."

At first Connor thought it was an odd comment on the Captain's part, but didn't focus too long on it as he picked up the U.S.B. and placed it in his terminal to begin uploading and chronicling the new data. The case files were full of details that were unusual but it wasn't anything that Connor couldn't handle and sort through alone.

Outside in the reception area of the precinct a small group of human witnesses had come forward regarding human on android crimes and were waiting to make their statements. Since Connor was already handling deviant files Captain Fowler assigned the interview to Officer Chris Miller to make it easier for Connor to work. One by one Chris led each witness into an interview room for questioning until the final witness had left a little after four in the afternoon. The receptionist area became quiet while the other officers in the bullpen fell into a steady rhythmic lull of work.

However, one moment of particular curiosity and mystery disturbed the otherwise calm air of the precinct. Despite the lack of occupants in the reception area and despite no one calling to report a missing personal item, a curious gym bag had been left unattended in the receptionist area atop of a chair. Gavin, more headstrong than wise, noticed the bag first and grabbed it by its handle with a firm grip. Carrying it over to his desk, two desks away from Connor, the abrasive Sergeant began checking it over for a name tag or other way to identify the original owner, but nothing presented itself immediately.

"Hey, anyone see who left this bag?" Gavin shouted out loudly enough to catch everyone's attention. "Found it in reception."

Connor turned his head to look at the bag; his brown irises focusing on the parcel as he scanned it quickly. The deviant instantly detected an electronic signature, as well as trace amounts of an explosive compound within the bag. There was a timer and a pressure trigger attached to a metallic canister containing the strange explosive and it designed specifically to release the contents in the event the trigger was tampered with or once its countdown clock reached zero.

"Gavin, get away from the bag." Connor warned as he rose from his desk and made his way to the enigmatic parcel on the desk. "Do not touch it again."

"What's your problem, 'Tinman'?" Gavin challenged as Connor tried to make a grab for the bag and he pulled it away from the deviant with a single jerk. "Don't tell me what-"

Accident Prone - Becoming Humanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن