Never Alone

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November 4th, 2040: 09:37 p.m.

There was densely cold chill in the air as early November nighttime fell harshly over the city.

With his L.E.D. flashing in a distressed red Connor gasped in pain as he kept his left hand clutched over the bleeding wound in his upper abdomen while dark blue Thirium oozed through his fingers and stained the front of his white dress shirt a dark sapphire blue. Fighting through the pain Connor stumbled for a moment but caught himself with his bloodied left hand to keep him from falling, leaving behind a gruesome hand print of his current condition behind on the brick surface before he wandered through the dark alleyway in pursuit of the offensive suspect with utter determination to not let the violent shooter escape into the city.

Trailing drops of blue blood behind him every step of the way, Connor held his gun in a tight grip in his right hand and easily tracked the elusive suspect through the darkness of the chilly night. Reaching a dead end of the long alleyway Connor located the shooter, a violent 'red ice' dealer, backed up against the brick wall with nowhere else to go.

"Freeze!" Connor raised his gun and took aim at the suspect's chest. Snowflakes began to fall from the dark unseen snow clouds in the sky high above as the stand-off between the police and the suspect reached a boiling point. "Detroit Police."

"Fuck off!" The man barked back as he held up his own gun and threatened to squeeze the trigger for the second time. The man was tall, well built and very angry as he defied Connor's orders with blatant disrespect and a threatening snarl. "I'm not going back to jail!"

"You're under arrest for illegal distribution of narcotics." The ever astute deviant began to list off the charges in a firm tone of voice as snowflakes clung to the strands of his dark brown hair and melt through the fabric of his gray blazer. "You're also being charged with the assault and attempted murder of a police officer, fleeing the police and resisting arrest. You have no say in the matter and will return to prison."

"I don't answer to plastic!"

"But you will answer to the law." Running a scan over the man's face Connor uploaded an image to the precinct to issue an A.P.B. while also downloading the man's criminal record: Travis 'The Ice Pick' Verne. A known drug dealer who rivaled Ted 'The Red Ice King' Jones over ten years ago when the 'red ice' epidemic was at its worst. "Surrender now or I will open fire and subdue you."

"Not before I finish what I started with you!"

Reacting quickly Connor preconstructed a possible outcome for the confrontation and noted that he had four options: The first option had a ninety-two percent success rate if Connor were to duck down and open fire, however it'd leave him with a ninety-eight percent chance of being struck by a fatal shot in the head during the process. Whereas the second option has only a four percent chance of being fatally shot, but it gave the suspect an eighty-seven percent chance to flee if Connor aimed for the shoulder. The third option would keep Connor completely out of harm's way as he moved to the side, but would undoubtedly give the suspect the chance to flee from sight and do so before back-up arrived. The final option had a better chance of success, but with a worse possible trade off at the expense of Connor's own life.

If Connor held his ground and fired at the suspect's head, Connor would subdue the dangerous suspect with a one-hundred percent success rate, but by doing so he'd leave himself with only a ten percent chance of surviving the bullet wound he'd undoubtedly sustain to his chest in return.

Connor had to choose and he didn't have the time to think. Reacting quickly he made his decision.

Holding his ground Connor squeezed the trigger and watched as the bullet found its target. The bullet struck 'The Ice Pick' in the middle his forehead creating a massive splash of dark red blood that erupted from the fresh bullet wound in the dangerous drug dealer's head, just above his eyes. Before he could react, the drug dealer fired off one final round and Connor felt the second bullet burning through his chest dangerously close to his Thirium pump, his heart, as it came to rest beside the vital biocomponent.

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