Moving Up

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Standing before Captain Fowler in his private office Hank and Connor patiently waited for their superior officer to explain why he had summoned them both to the office and why they had been requested to speak with him. Unlike the normal reasons that Captain Fowler summoned the duo to his office; usually for either a new case assignment or a disciplinary action, Captain Fowler seemed in an unusually upbeat mood and didn't even mind that Hank was still dressed in such a careless fashion or that his hair was still too long according to department procedures. It wasn't often that the disciplined police Captain was seen in an optimistic mood.

Sensing that something was happening Hank gave his commanding officer a suspicious glance as he and Connor stood before Captain Fowler's desk. Trusting Hank's judgment in regard to unusual circumstances in the precinct, Connor stayed beside his partner and adoptive father with his head held high and his eyes focused forward.

"What's going on, Jeffrey?" Hank impatiently snipped at the superior officer as he waited to hear about why he and Connor had been summoned to the office. "We got shit we need to take care of."

"You two are being recognized for your upstanding nature and excellence in your field." Captain Fowler stated in a very proud manner as he slid two paper files across his desk toward the two detectives standing before him. The response was enough to make Hank's brow inquisitively arch. "Not to mention your repeated behavior in going above and beyond the call of duty."

Hank didn't look impressed while Connor was still attempting to analyze and process the unusual situation at hand.

"You are both being promoted with honors. You'll be acknowledged by the mayor himself."

Hank gave Captain Fowler an incredulous stare while Connor remained silent where he stood. "...What?"

"Yeah," Captain Fowler seemed almost as shocked as Hank was. "you're being promoted to Captain and Connor is being promoted to Lieutenant."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Hank put both of his hands up as if he could somehow stop everything in its tracks. "I can understand Connor moving up the ranks, but me? Me? I'm getting promoted to Captain? The guy who doesn't give two shits about protocol and punched out a special agent right here the precinct? I'm getting promoted?"

Titling his head a little Captain Fowler acknowledged the odd circumstances. "Yeah, I couldn't believe it either."

"All right, who died?"

"No one died, Hank." Now Captain Fowler was getting irritated and had to raise his voice to get reality to set in. "For fuck sake you both earned this."

"Earned it? Yeah, right." Hank shook his right index finger twice at Captain Fowler before folding his arms over his chest defensively. "More like the mayor is trying to score some brownie points in time for his re-election by promoting the two detectives who made the headlines for taking down CyberLife. This is all just a cheap stunt and you're letting him exploit us."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" The lack of joy on Hank's part left Captain Fowler feeling fairly perplexed. "You're the only officer in this whole fuckin' state who'd actually get pissed off at better pay and benefits."

"I'd like it better if it was actually earned it. I don't want it just handed to me because of some half-wit politician trying to look good!"

"Connor," Captain Fowler looked away from Hank and addressed the deviant in a calm manner as if expecting him to be the voice of reason. "how do you feel? I'm sure you can see what a great honor this is."

"I understand the significance of the promotion," Connor sounded timid and confused as he answered his superior honestly. "but I agree with Hank. I do not feel as though I've actually earned this particular promotion."

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