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Deciding to spend his day off doing something new and far more social Connor went to New Jericho Tower and invited his little brother Lucas to spend the day with him. It didn't take long for Connor and Lucas to start really bonding like true brothers once they began spending more time with one another. In return the newly discovered brothers decided to spend more days together as family. Despite being raised as an only child Hank did manage to give the two deviants some beneficial tips on socializing with each other without it being 'work' related or an emergency, and it had paid off greatly. By comparing their mutual interests and disinterests the two brother found that they had a lot in common aside just from being the 'perfect' designs by CyberLife.

The two brothers both liked animals, enjoyed listening to music; though their genre preferences did differ, and they preferred hobbies that were hands-on and creative as opposed to the usual monotonous routines of most deviants. Connor had taken up the guitar after discussing music with Hank while Lucas had taken up painting after discussing art with Markus. The notion of picking up the saxophone was also something Lucas was considering but didn't dwell on it too much.

Once Markus and Simon finally returned from Washington D.C. back to New Jericho Tower to resume their leadership roles Lucas was free to leave the tower far more often as he no longer bore as many responsibilities for the other deviants. Markus had also insisted on Lucas spending more time with Connor to learn what it truly meant to be a deviant - what it meant to really be free and to have a family.

Connor had decided to take Sumo for a walk when Lucas stopped by one afternoon for a visit and was happy to let Lucas join him. Like Connor, Lucas had begun wearing more human-like casual clothing when not working. While Connor preferred dark t-shirts and his darker colored blue jeans, Lucas preferred light colored long sleeved shirts and slacks, or lighter colored jeans. The two deviants truly looked like brothers as they spoke with one another about their current and future plans now that deviants had equal rights, and it was a joy to witness.

"Markus has offered Hank and myself positions as private investigators for the inhabitants of New Jericho." Connor proudly proclaimed as he tightened his grip on Sumo's leash. The massive dog was beginning to pull as he excitedly led the way around the block but he wasn't strong enough to break free from Connor's hand. "Hank seemed okay with the idea of getting away from what he calls 'bullshit bureaucrats', but I prefer working alongside other detectives and police officers throughout the city. It's more intellectually stimulating."

"Why?" Lucas asked with a true curiosity to his voice. Having very little direct interactions with humans had left the deviant lacking experience with human activity and behavior. "Doesn't it feel strange to be surrounded by humans all day?"

"No. I have adapted quite well to humans and have learned which types of humans to avoid."

"The anti-android bigots are still a problem?"

"Occasionally." Connor admitted with a coy smile reflecting his words. "But once they're reminded that they can be arrested for disturbing the peace as well as harassment they tend to quiet down. I've also been able to speak with many different humans and have learned of personality types that make socializing difficult regardless of a person's race, gender, religion and even species."

"Interesting. I wish I could've been out there with you during the Revolution. I wish I could've seen what the world was like before it changed, it might have given me more insight into humanity as a whole."

"Trust me, you don't want to know the kind of discrimination and violence our people endured. Hank was the first human to see me as more than a machine, and if I hadn't met him I never would've become a deviant to begin with. I was lucky to have met him."

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