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The night spent at Abby's apartment had proven interesting for the emotionally developing deviant to experience. The two friends had spent the evening ice skating with Connor stumbling only once and falling hard on his side, then returning to Abby's heavily secured apartment to watch a few movies and just talk as friends who needed to discuss the ever changing world they were a part of. Awaking early in the morning, Connor discreetly gathered himself and escorted Abby to her car as she set about her morning shift at her facility, then returned to the house in hopes of not drawing any unwanted attention from Hank due to his unusual time of arrival via autonomous taxi.

Unlocking the front door Connor slowly stepped inside the house and was met by Sumo who was whimpering and looking embarrassed as the pup sat down at his feet. It was clear Sumo had been left alone a little too long for the puppy's liking.


It didn't take Connor long to notice the pup's mess in the corner of the livingroom on the floor and sighed. Closing the front door behind himself Connor re-locked the door and focused on the puppy sitting before him.

"It's not your fault. I should've been here to let you outside."

Rubbing the pup's ears Connor quickly and silently walked down the hallway to change out of his more formal attire and into his casual night clothes before he set about cleaning up the mess. Remaining stealthy and quiet Connor peered inside Hank's bedroom and was surprised to see that Hank hadn't returned from his date with Rose and he didn't have to worry about being quiet.

"...Good." Spotting the empty and still made bed was a surprising relief. "Hank stayed with Rose just as I stayed with Abby."

Making his way down the hallway and into the kitchen Connor gathered the necessary cleaning supplies after letting Sumo out into the backyard just in case he still needed to go, then set about cleaning the pup's mess on the floor. As he knelt down on the floor Connor felt something pull a little in his abdomen and cause a twinge of pain as he moved.

"That's unusual."

Running a self diagnostic causing his blue L.E.D. to flash to yellow Connor finished cleaning up the floor and disposed of everything in the garbage can outside the backdoor.

"I must've unknowingly injured myself when I slipped on the ice last night."

Pouring some food into Sumo's bowl Connor heard the front door unlock open and watched as Hank slipped inside the house as quietly as Connor had done barely twenty minutes prior.

"Hello, Hank."

"O-Oh!" Jumping a little Hank wasn't expecting to see Connor in the kitchen and his face blushed a little. "Hey, kid. Had to let Sumo out, huh?"

"Yes, he's out-" Sumo suddenly brushed past Connor's leg and began chowing down as he rushed from the backyard and through the backdoor again. "Nevermind. He's now eating."

"Uh, cool. So how was the auction?"

"Interesting, to say the least."

"Who'd you get stuck with?" Hank asked casually as he removed his shoes and hung his coat on the hook by the front door. "No one crazy, I hope."

"No. It was Abby."

"That's lucky."

"Yes. She kept me from enduring a socially awkward situation and she and I spent the evening at the ice skating rink."

"Not bad. Rose and I... Uh, well..."

"You don't have to explain yourself." Sparing Hank the explanation in exchange for his own spared dignity Connor let the matter drop entirely. "What you do with your personal time is your own business."

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