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The first day back on the job for the two detectives had been less than stellar as the duo were greeted by a cascade of sympathetic and empathetic officers who couldn't help but express their sorrow over the loss of Lucas. Their intentions were meant to be supportive as all they wanted to make sure the grieving party was actually ready to return to work, but it was getting unintentionally annoying. During their absences their desks had been covered in sympathy cards, a few flowers of various types all in various stages of bloom, and even a few small packages of candy; some chocolate and some Thirium based, had been left behind as kind gifts for the detectives to receive upon their return.

After being bombarded with smothering kindness for a few hours from the entire bullpen the duo were almost relieved to get a report of anti-android gang getting into a turf war with a pro-android gang downtown. Ready to take their leave of the desks, even after Connor carefully collected each card and placed them in the bottom right drawer of his desk to be taken care of later, the two detectives focused entirely on the case and push their personal grieving period aside to be handled more privately back home.

"I've never seen a gang-war before." Connor stated somewhat blandly as he cybernetically monitored police broadcasts for any and all updates on the battle taking place four blocks away. The streets were relatively deserted, but the closer they got to the chaos the more people began to appear. "Have you?"

"Yup." Hank confirmed as he turned the corner sharply to reach the fight as quickly as possible. Other squad cars were either already at the scene or still in pursuit as well, which meant the fight was getting serious. "Too damn many, in fact."

"Narcotics division?"

"Yup. Part of the reason I left was because I couldn't handle dealing with all the dead kids on the street anymore."

"...Cole had been born." Connor realized with a subtle nod of his head. "You saw them as the children they had once been and not the adults were becoming."

Hank paused for a moment before he responded again with a somber sigh. "...Yeah. You got it."

Falling silent as the duo decided that speaking of death and destruction was the last thing they needed to deal with, Connor just continued to cybernetically monitor the fight and Hank listened to the police broadcasts on his radio. The sound of blaring sirens and flashing lights filled the streets as more and more people began to appear on the sidewalks along the street. Some of the people were deviants covered in blue blood, others were humans covered in red blood. Occasionally they'd see a person covered in both colors creating a macabre purple stain over their clothing, and it was those people who looked as though they had seen humanity and deviancy at its absolute worse.

Truth be told, they probably had.

Originating between two large abandoned warehouses in the shadier part of the city, the gang-war had been long underway and numerous bodies already lined the streets between the large buildings. The sound of shouting voices and various gunshots filled the air long before the Oldsmobile even turned the final corner to the scene toward the source of the fighting.

Dozens of humans wearing either anti-android orange or pro-android blue were trying to tear each other apart with as many different types of weapons as they could get their hands on. Chains, broken bottles, switchblades, guns, bricks, lead pipes, baseball bats were all stained red, blue and purple as they littered the streets and sidewalks around the bodies that had been dropped to the ground.

It was a true melee of anger and spilled blood.

Pulling along the street Hank parked the car and drew his gun as he stepped outside of the vehicle and kept low as he joined his fellow officers who were trying to contain the violence until S.W.A.T. arrived. "Stay back here and watch the windows!" He ordered his deviant partner as he took the lead. "You never know when someone will try to open fire from above."

Accident Prone - Becoming HumanWhere stories live. Discover now