A Rough Start

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Standing on the sidewalk across the street from the newly built 'Skye Tower' Connor stared up at the three story building sporting a fresh coat of bright white paint and a sign of pale blue lights spelling out the name 'Skye' in an elegant style with modest pride glimmering in his deep, soulful brown eyes. Dancing his coin over the knuckles of his right hand the deviant remained steadfast on the sidewalk as he looked at the sanctuary with a strange trepidation that he couldn't quite identify and needed to analyze. The project had been completed, there were no complications from 'red tape' or a lack of funding, he had a staff ready to volunteer their time and yet it felt like Connor was standing before another obstacle that he simple couldn't identify.

It was a strange feeling, one that resided deep inside his heart and his mind. Whatever was upsetting what should be a proud moment left Connor feeling hollow.

"Connor?" Abby called out to the deviant as she walked up to him slowly along the sidewalk. She was still wearing one of Gavin's larger coats to cover her impressively large baby 'bump' while staving off the lingering winter cold as much as possible. "Is something wrong?"

"Abby." Turning to look at the technician who had become his friend, the deviant instinctively ran a biometric scan over Abby's body and noted her vitals, as well as the developing twenty-nine week old fetus she was carrying. They were both healthy and that gave Connor a sense of relief. "I'm glad you're here."

"You didn't answer my question." Crossing her arms defiantly over her chest Abby stared at Connor intently. "What's bothering you?"

"I am not bothered per se..." He admitted in a low voice as his eyes drifted over to Skye Tower warily. "I simply do not want to go inside that large building all alone."

"Oh." Looking around the area Abby noticed that Connor was in fact alone and that was very unusual. "Where's Hank?"

"At the precinct. He was unable to get the time off to join me today to examine the tower."

"And where is Markus?"

"Markus and North had gone out to the android refugee camp beyond the city limits to assist in transporting deviants from the camp and to the tower. He will join us next week after the tower is officially opened to the public, as will Hank. The volunteering staff will arrive the day before the tower opens to learn the layout of the tower and learn of their tasks."

"But everything is ready to go, right?"

"Yes." Connor confirmed as he finally pocketed his coin and took in a deep calming breath. "All that is required is an accurate inventory of the emergency repair bay as well as the medical wing, followed by an inspection to confirm that everything is up to code and legal."

"Sounds good to me. Now that I'm here, are you ready to go in?"

"I am." Extending his left arm Connor waited for Abby to take hold with her own arm so he could properly escort her across the snowy, icy street and to the tower on the other side. "I trust your judgment on determining whether or not the emergency medical and technical supplies, as well as the equipment, are appropriate and adequate."

"I highly doubt you overlooked anything vital." Pulling Connor's hand over to her belly for a moment Abby let the deviant feel a few kicks. "Relax."

"I hope so." Standing outside the glass double doors that were currently sealed electronically Connor retracted the artificial skin from the palm of his right hand and pressed it against the electronic panel to unlock the door. As the two glass doors slid open Connor escorted Abby inside and they stepped through the small foyer leading to the main lobby. "What do you think?"

Accident Prone - Becoming HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon