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The assault of a deviant at a local garage had brought Connor and Hank in to investigate and the investigation wasn't going as smoothly as either detective had hoped. During the investigation of the malicious assault the hotheaded human customer, who had thrown the first punch and managed to smash the deviant mechanic's head through the passenger side window of his own truck, was continuing to try to get to the bleeding and unconscious deviant while the rest of the garage crew restrained the man by his arms and waited for the police to arrive. Such a commotion readily caught a lot of attention and brought everything inside the garage to an abrupt halt.

The sight of the two detectives did very little to calm the enraged man and he refused to cooperate with the police as he tried to get to the wounded deviant laying defenseless on the floor a few feet away from where he was being restrained. A sapphire puddle of blood collected under the deviant's head and repelled the pool of motor oil on the floor beside it as the two foreign substances simply did not mix.

"All right, calm the fuck down!" Hank ordered as slipped his gun from the holster and aimed it at the man's chest. The sight of the gun's barrel was enough to make the man stop struggling against the other mechanics holding him back and finally stop shouting. He became very still and very quiet to everyone's immediate relief. "Now, what the hell happened here?"

"The damn machine is trying to rip me off!" The man screamed again as he pointed to the downed deviant with a shaking and enraged finger. Connor was kneeling beside the deviant and checking his vitals while Hank questioned the suspect at the far wall of the garage. "He's lying! He's saying I need to pay for repairs that my truck doesn't need!"

Connor overheard the claim and informed Hank on the injured deviant's identity. "The deviant's name is 'Rome' and has been a mechanic here for nine years." The deviant detective finished his assessment over the bleeding victim and informed Hank of the victim's condition. "Severe damage to the intracranial processor causing emergency stasis mode. His memory has not been corrupted and I can confirm through a cybernetic transfer of his memories and overall databanks that there was no intent to deceive the customer."

"That's a lie!" The man shouted again as he realized that Connor himself was a deviant as well. "Those damn machines like to stick together! You can't trust those pieces of plastic!"

The owner of the garage had heard enough from the man and threw up his hands in anger as he motioned for one of the assisting mechanics to make some room. "Hey, asshole!" The owner stated angrily as he approached the man with purpose in his steps. "Rome has been putting cars back together with his bare hands for almost a decade! You're the first person to EVER have a problem with his work, and that only happened AFTER he told you how much your bill was going to be!"

"He started it!" The man openly lied as he spat angrily in the owner's direction. "He knew I couldn't afford it and he was-"

Hank had enough of the bullshit and brought it to an end. "Shut up! We all know you got pissed off because of a damn bill." Slipping his gun back into the holster he pulled his handcuffs from the back of his belt and slapped them around the man's left wrist before forcing him to turn around and put both of his hands behind back to cuff his right wrist. "You're under arrest for assault, destruction of private property, disturbing the peace and for being a general dumbass."

While Hank used his radio to call in a patrol car to pick up the arrested man Connor cybernetically contacted emergency services to take care of Rome. The garage owner crouched down beside Rome next to Connor and pressed a clean rag to the back of the injured deviant's bleeding head.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" The kind mechanic asked as he stayed next to the injured deviant. "Rome and I have been buddies for years."

Connor smiled faintly at the remark before nodding his head in the affirmative. "Yes. I didn't detect any permanent damage to his system or biocomponents. He'll just need a few internal Thirium lines repaired and two days to properly heal."

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