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Feeling almost completely overwhelmed by the sudden reappearance of Connor, of his son, Hank had to reluctantly force himself to break their reuniting hug and help Connor to limp up the steps of the back deck and through the backdoor to the house. They needed to talk about what had happened in the ten days since Connor's disappearance. Sumo happily trotted inside the house after the two detectives and followed closely as Hank slowly and carefully helped Connor to sit down at the small kitchen table so the returned deviant could tell Hank everything that had happened to him during his abduction and subsequent imprisonment in Chicago.

The lengthy and heartwrenching tale was unfolded in excruciating detail. Connor told Hank of being abducted, being forced to fight in the underground arena, having to kill a fellow deviant and then beat other deviants to within an inch of their life in order to survive, using the morphine to fake his death and how he had to rely on the mysterious stranger, Rupert, as well as his unexpected ally in Alec to make it out of Chicago. He then spoke about his temporary sanctuary at the deviant refugee camp hidden in the woods outside of Detroit and of needing Skye's help to make it back into the city, and of how he just wanted to go home as soon as he could.

Hank tried to keep his emotions in check as the heartbreaking story pushed him to his limits. The tale was an absolute horror story and it filled Hank with rage as he noted the severe wounds that Connor sustained and could see how weak Connor truly was after surviving his ordeal. Every fiber of his paternal instincts wanted him to drive out to Chicago and tear apart that damn arena with his own hands, while simultaneously staying as close to Connor as possible to help his adopted son finally heal.

The deviant was exhausted and feeling horrendously ill again and would need days, maybe even weeks, to recover from the trauma he had sustained.

"Try to relax." Hank encouraged as he stayed seated next to Connor at the kitchen table to make sure the deviant felt safe at long last. Sumo was sitting between the reunited detectives with his tail wagging and his chin resting against Connor's thigh protectively. "It's all over now, you're home and you're safe."

"Home." Connor repeated with heavy relief to his voice as it was a very comforting thought. "...I'm very glad to be back home." In spite of his pain Connor tried to smile, but his strength was fading quickly and the pain itself was very clear on his face. "I'm sorry I couldn't let you know I was alive sooner, but the phone-"

"Don't worry about that. There was nothing you could do if the phone was busted." With complete understanding Hank put his hand on Connor's trembling and too warm shoulder in a supportive manner. Taking his own phone in his hand Hank set about calling the precinct to let them know that Connor was safe and tat he was home, but was in rough shape. "I'll call Fowler and explain everything, you just worry about healing. You look like you're in some serious pain right now."

"Yes, I am." Connor admitted it already knowing there was no point in denying his obvious discomfort. Pressing his right hand to the left side of where his ribcage would be, he took in a sharp hissing breath as he felt the fractures to his plastimetal frames shift slightly under his touch. "...In my chest."

"It'll be okay, son. Just give yourself time and take it easy." The other line answered and Hank addressed his superior over the phone while keeping his left hand on Connor's shoulder during the entire conversation. "Yeah, Jeffrey, I got something important to tell you..."

Connor leaned forward with his left hand pressed to his unusually warm forehead to rest against the cool kitchen table. The watch Hand had lent him was still wrapped around his wrist ticking away without any further thought in the world. As much as Connor wanted to cybernetically tap into Hank's phone to listen to the conversation he was unable to do so courtesy of his processor being currently offline preventing any cybernetic connections, as well as his own waning energy level.

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