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It was incredibly dark on the isolated side of the industrial district but it was far from quiet. Having tracked down their highly unstable and very dangerous suspect to a large power plant on the far side of the city Connor and Hank crouched down on either side of the large door leading into the generator room of the power plant with their guns drawn and heads bowed as they waited for their opportunity to rush the cornered suspect. One way or another they'd take him down or bring him in for questioning. A barrage of bullets cut through the air through the doorway and embedded into the steel reinforced concrete wall at the opposite end of the corridor in which Connor and Hank were taking cover prompting the two detectives to pause and rethink their plan of action.

Keeping his head down Hank grabbed his radio from his belt and called for back-up at their location as he knew that he and Connor undeniably needed help. Not only did they need more officers to take down the armed suspect, they needed medics to treat the employees of the power plant who had been shot by the deranged suspect and technicians to assist the deviants damaged by the stray gunfire as well.

"Detroit Police! There's nowhere to run and nowhere to go." Connor shouted to the suspect in a calm voice as he tried to talk the suspect down. Responding on instinct and training Connor kept his cool while Hank was on the radio. "Surrender peacefully. We don't want to hurt you."

"Fuck off you android piece of shit!" Another barrage of bullets screamed through the air, barely missing the edges of the door frame where two detectives were holding their ground. The suspect was enraged, unstable and didn't seem to care whom he harmed. "I'm sick of you fuckin' machines! This is YOUR fault!"

Connor looked to Hank on the other side of the doorway as he just shrugged his shoulders with silent confusion. Neither man knew what the suspect's motivations were or why he was lashing out at androids in particular. It was especially odd since he seemingly didn't care about the humans he had also wounded when he stormed the building in his rage to avoid the police.

The gunman was in his late twenties, Caucasian with sandy blond hair and had extremely dark brown eyes. With an average height and lanky build the man didn't look all that menacing, his tattered and cheap clothes - a red t-shirt and baggy blue jeans, only amplifying his unassuming aesthetic, but the gun and large arsenal of bullets said otherwise.

Trying to keep control over the situation Hank nodded toward the door to tell Connor to keep trying to speak to the suspect. The deviant's original programming as a hostage negotiator had proven itself invaluable more times than Hank would care to admit.

"Why are you doing this?" Connor pressed the gunman in a level voice as he stalled for time. "Did you lose your job?"

"FUCK OFF!" The suspect was sounding more and more deranged with each passing second. Pacing about the interior of the isolated room with his gun being clutched in a vice-like grip the man was on the verge of losing what little control over his emotions he had left. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

"Out of..." Such a declaration was beyond bizarre. Connor's brow furrowed and his L.E.D. cycled yellow rapidly as he deduced a possible explanation for the suspect's comment. "Lieutenant, I believe this man is extremely ill."

"Great, now what do we do?" Hank responded indifferently if not sarcastically to the observation. "I'm not bringing a damn doctor into this mess!"

Needing more information Connor thought quickly and peered around the side of the doorway to scan the man's face just long enough to gain information on the suspect from the distance. In the process a red hot bullet pierced through the very side of Connor's left upper arm causing a splash of blue blood as it cut through his artificial skin and grazed the plastimetal frame beneath. Retreating to where he had been previously Connor pressed his right palm to his bleeding arm and took in quick pained breaths as his system processed his gathered information.

Accident Prone - Becoming Humanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें