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Standing side by side Connor and Hank watched as a state of the art emergency water rescue boat was docked along the harbor just a few feet away from them as they stood on the dock overlooking the Detroit River. The modestly sized boat was designed for speed and efficiency when performing an on water pursuit or in the event of an accident in the water. The bright white hull of the boat stood out brilliantly against the dark water and 'Detroit Police' was painted in black on either sides of the hull. Atop the boat's cabin were the red and blue flashing lights and a siren designed to warn other boaters on the water in the event of an emergency.

It wasn't often that the police had to deal with emergencies on the river or in the lakes, but that didn't mean accidents simply didn't happen. As a result it was mandatory that all first responders receive proper training for water based rescues.

"What do you think?" Hank asked as they walked over to the boat and watched as the ship's Captain docked it smoothly. "Pretty impressive, isn't she?"

"I think I prefer pursuits on dry land rather than murky, cold water." Eyeing the police boat warily Connor fought the urge to go for his coin in his right pocket and fidget with it nervously. "I dislike the unpredictability of water in general."

"Good thing the precinct is in the middle of the city instead of the harbor." As Hank climbed onto the boat he motioned for Connor to follow after him. "But regulations are regulations. You need to undergo your mandatory hours of water rescue training."

"Is it really necessary? The odds of my person having to perform-"

"Connor. Don't make me pull rank on you." Turning to look at the deviant who was seemingly frozen in place on the dock Hank waited patiently for Connor to move on his own. "I had to do this stupid training, too. You've been able to put it off for so long only because it's taken just as long to get you fully recognized as a first responder and not some figurehead to make the mayor look good. Do it or I have to bench you, your choice."

With a grimace on his face like a scolded child Connor begrudgingly obeyed the order. "...I understand."

"All right. Get your ass up here."

Timidly Connor joined Hank on the boat and immediately grabbed onto a support rail designed for personnel to utilize in the event of a high speed pursuit. The motion of the water made Connor feel unstable and with it his gyroscope was rapidly attempting to recalibrate in response to his uneasy and unbalanced sensations of the constantly moving water.

Hank did the same as Connor and grabbed onto the support rail while the ship's Captain, Dean, returned the boat from the dock and back out onto the Detroit River. "You okay, kid?"


"You look like you're going to be sick or something."

"...The water is affecting my balance."

"So androids weren't programmed with 'sea legs'." Noting the deviant's discomfort as the boat began to increase in speed and almost bounce over the choppy waves, Hank made sure he'd remember that Connor wasn't immune to motion sickness. "That's good to know."

"...What are 'sea legs'?"

"It means you need to get used to the water before you're comfortable on it."


"Relax kid, we won't be out here for more than a couple hours."

"What exactly does this training entail?"

"There's an entire section of water rescues in the 'How-to-Be-A-Cop' manual you can download while we're out here. You'll figure it out."

Nodding a little Connor closed his eyes and cybernetically downloaded the required information as Hank had informed him. Within a matter of seconds Connor was able to read and memorize the correct protocol in regards to water safety and rescue as required by his training. Opening his eyes he looked back to Hank at his side and gave him a subtle nod.

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