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A narrow brick alleyway in the industrial district was coated in the invisible blue blood of four deviants that had been executed one at a time during the late hours during the dark, cold previous night. Each deviant victim had been shot directly in the back of the head with a single bullet. The piercing damage from the bullets instantly shutdown the deviants in a macabre eruption of blue blood from their own destroyed craniums. The deaths were as enigmatic as they were brutal. There was no clear motivation behind the quadruple homicide, but Connor and Hank were determined to solve the graphic case and bring all four murder victims justice.

Police had already sectioned off the immediate area with holographic police tape and were searching for witnesses to the murders along the neighboring streets and buildings. Reporting to the scene of the quadruple homicide had given Connor pause as he realized that the violence toward androids seemed to be escalating at a disturbing rate despite the peaceful Revolution.

Seasoned from years of experience on the job Hank could see the emotional distress reflected in Connor's soulful brown eyes and needed to ask him if he was going to be able to handle the scene as they approached the four bodies. "You okay, kid?"

"Huh? What?" Connor tore his eyes from the four bloodied humanoid forms concealed under the white sheets strewn out before him. He looked away from the blue blood that only he could still see staining the walls and ground to look to his partner in the eye. "...Did you say something?"

"Want me to take this one?" The urge to protect Connor prompted Hank to take the lead. "I can work it solo."

"No, I'm fine." Refusing to back down from the case Connor remained professional and set about examining the scene as necessary. "I can do this."

Folding his arms across his chest Hank stood back and watched as Connor slowly approached the scene of the deviant massacre and prepared to do his job. The yellow L.E.D. in Connor's right temple showed that the deviant detective was already emotionally upset and needed the space to think and work out what he was feeling.

With a heavy heart Connor knelt down beside the first body to lift the white sheet from his face, and ran a scan to identify the victim to get a name to go with the body. "'Travis'." Confirming the name Connor gave additional details regarding his life. "A 'WM-500' model. He worked as a mechanic downtown at a family garage for six years."

Slowly Hank shook his head as he watched Connor lift up the sheet from the next victim and ran his cybernetic scan for a second time.

"A 'MC-500' model. 'Heather'. She was a nurse in a human hospital for twelve years." Repeating the action for the third victim Connor swallowed nervously as he looked at the face and scanned his identity like the previous two victims. "A 'WK-500' model; 'Aaron'. He worked construction for nine years." As he reached his hand out to lift up the fourth sheet Connor had to hold his breath to keep his hand from shaking in the process. "And a 'WM-400' named 'Michael'. He was an electrician for five years."

"Do the four androids have anything in common aside from being, well, androids?"

"...Unknown at this time."

"Can you estimate a time of death?"

Connor's L.E.D. flashed rapidly in yellow as scanned the evaporated Thirium and noted its age and the overall weather conditions that could potentially alter the time frame for complete Thirium evaporation. "The first death occurred at two-o-four this morning and the fourth death occurred at two-o-six this same morning."

"Fuck... Whoever did this didn't hesitate." A piece of Hank's mind began to reel at the prospect of the brutal execution. "Four shots in less than two minutes."

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