EP 67

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Although these words were gentle at the surface, they were hitting the heart. Lan Qiren was caught off guard. He was bulging with anger as if he ate a big toad. When he was about to speak something, he was interrupted again.

"Uncle, I have some questions."

Lan Qiren was angry: "Speak!"

Lan Wangji said: "Wei Ying grows up in the Yunmeng Jiang clan. The Jiang's family style is free and natural, different from that of Lan clan. I wonder whether it is unfair to force him to act in the Lan clan style?

There is also a saying in the family motto: Can't praise self and depreciate others. If we think that the Lan's family motto is superior to the world, and other's are inferior, aren't we arrogant? If the two are not comparable, then why Wei Ying, a member of the two families, must respect one and depreciate the other? "

Ever since Wei Wuxian entered the Lan clan, he was like the Monkey King who was put on a hooping spell, his words and deeds were all restrained. The original temperament of flying somersaults in the clouds, but was pressed under the five-finger mountain of the discipline stone. And he copied the clan rules so much that he rolled on the ground irritably.

Every time Lan Wangji accompanied him to be punished, he was helpless. He had thought Wei Wuxian would adapt to it after a period of time, not to mention the prohibition, at least to cultivate himself, didn't make trouble and offend fellows and teachers in class,patrollers and vigils, and the people whoever passed by. As long as he did not make big mistakes, as a person who was responsible for punishment, he could ignored and let them passed. It wasn't until Wei Wuxian put forward "divorce" loudly that his hazy imagination was shattered and the truth underneath was revealed.

Wei Wuxian did not abide by the Lan clan rules, for nothing else, but because he did not agree with 3,000 clan rules at all. For Lan Wangji, clan rules was "sky", and it existed as a matter of course like the air he breathed. But they were something that was not worth mentioning in Wei Wuxian's heart. The law of clan, the discipline, the way of husband and wife in his heart,was in another way, and had another landscape. It existed in the lake breeze of the Lotus Dock and the fragrance of thousands of miles of lotus.It was free and unstrained, not in this quiet and lonely corner in the deep mountains in Gusu.

Just as Lan Wangji would not abandon his 16-year education and mentorship because of him, Wei Wuxian would not abandon the Tao in his own heart, abandon the "Doing the things that can't be done",abandon the violent and sonorous boldness, because of his love for him.

If they two were asked to abandom it to be obdient to the other part, then neither of them would be happy. How could they be together in Yunshen, from the moment Wei Wuxian broke with him, he thought deeply for a long time, and finally speak out.

Although his remarks were questioning, he did not go beyond the identity as a member of Lan clan and offend the Lan clan's motto and elders. Instead, he started from the family motto and the questions were well-founded. Therefore, although clan elders were shocked by his remarks, they were not furious. But not offending did not mean obtaining consent. After all, in the Lan clan, the family motto was the sky, and now Wei Ying wanted to poke a hole in this sky, and obtained a little free light, it was unheard of and unseen since the establishment of the Lan clan.

Therefore, the elders were all in trouble for a while, and they were unable to answer. They couldn't really be blamed for this. There were all women who married into the Lan family. Women were gentle in nature, althought they were restrained by clan rules, they rarely challenged authority. While Wei Ying entered the Lan family as man. His nature was very different from that of the Lan family. So he and clan rules collided as if they were water and fire. It was an unprecedented phenomenon.

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