EP 22

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Lan Wangji let go of him glumly.

Wei Wuxian thanked God, being angry and funny at the same time. looking at Lan Wangji's expressionless face, he thought, although there was no trace of redness on his face, he was really drunk, and he fell asleep just now. He was drunk because of a cup of wine. This was not enough. After he got drunk, he wanted someone to play games with him. When this person was drunk, his mental age dropped directly to the level of a three-year-old child!

Wei Wuxian felt helpless, rubbing his sore arms clasped by Lan Wangji just now, and backing away a few steps fearfully, to a safe distance, and said in the tone that coaxed a child: "Little stu...Lan Zhan, we don't play with this now, okay? Don't soak in the water any longer. The water is going cold, you will get sick. Hurry up, get up and get dressed."

Hearing this, Lan Wangji seemed very unhappy, and sank in the water, indicating that he did not want to come out.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Then play something else."

Wei Wuxian said, "What else? There are no other games in the water."

Lan Wangji raised his face, but he was a little nervous, pushed his chin into the water, and whispered, "Let's... take a bath together."

This sound, as thin as a mosquito, made Wei Wuxian's heart tremble. Lan Wangji's face with three-point shyness and seven-point expectation was wiped out by the water, white in red. And he unloaded the layers of guard and indifference that pushed people thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Lan Wangji was just a little stubborn who wanted to get close to him particularly.

Wei Wuxian felt warm and soft in his heart, and lightly pinched his snow-white cheek, "I have washed, and you have washed long enough. If you soak in the water again, you will take off a layer of skin."

Lan Wangji lowered his eyes, and said nothing.

Wei Wuxian had to patiently continue to coax: "Lan Zhan, let's stop playing, it's almost the Hai time(21:00-23:00), it's time to go to bed..."

He hesitated for a moment, and said uncontrollably, "Let's go to sleep together, okay?"

"Let's go to sleep together, okay?"

After hearing the last sentence, Lan Wangji's eyes suddenly widened.

Wei Wuxian felt that he had said something wrong. Before he could recall the serious ambiguity in these words, the water splashed dazzlingly, and Lan Wangji came out of the bathtub!

The body that was still unmature, but already chiseled, tight, broke into his field of vision grandiosely.

Not only that, this body also walked towards him step by step, Wei Wuxian staggered back, but his throat was hot, and the dry voice could not come out. His eyesight tried to avoid him, but a certain part attracted his attention...

A certain tendon in his head seemed to slip a bit. Amidst the pressure of approaching, he was suddenly absentminded. Wei Wuxian's gaze carefully measured the size of the thing, and then he couldn't help but lowered his head and glanced at his body.

This... was a bit too...

He frowned, but before he could think about it, this dazzling body approached to him.

As soon as he raised his head, Lan Wangji's hot gaze swam lightly on his face, sometimes meeting his eyes, sometimes swam down to his slightly opened lips and the Adam's apple that was unable to stop rolling , and seemed to press heavily on his chest.His originally curved intestines convulsed helplessly, and he bit the corner of his mouth, and vowed to himself that he would never dare to speak frivolous words anymore...

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