EP 49

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As if he didn't do the ridiculous thing that made them almost be caught on the spot just now, Wei Wuxian laughed and hugged Lan Wangji. He finally restrained his schadenfreude, and quickly comforted: "Don't be afraid, Elder Brother helped us. It's past, Old Man Lan certainly doesn't know! As for the Elder Brother, he...he won't mind."

However, these words did not have the expected comforting effect, and Lan Wangji became more anxious, "...not, mind?" Wei Wuxian said again, "Yes, Elder Brother is such a considerate person. He is open-minded, and he will definitely understand it!

Moreover, he always protects us. If he really wants to blame us, he would not help us just now, right? "

Lan Wangji seemed to be immersed in feelings of shame and self-blame, he murmured and repeated: "Elder Brother..."

Wei Wuxian really couldn't understand. He coaxed this way and that way, all invalid. He fell back helplessly,lay on the floor and said, "The person who shouted is not you. I don't feel ashamed. Why are you ashamed?"

Lan Wangji glanced at him silently. The thick-skinned man raised legs in his eyesight, faintly revealing a small piece of bare buttocks under his clothes.

In Lan Wangji's weird eyesight, he laughed embarrassedly, stretched out his hand to cover it tightly, and said leisurely: "You should change your temperament. You are always like a wooden monk. It is not a big deal, why so ashamed.You should learn the lesson and make your skin thicker."

Facts proved that Lan Wangji's skin really couldn't get thicker.

Not only that, but Wei Wuxian also discovered that his plan to develop Lan Wangji in the bed suffered a major failure in history!

Since the "unexpected incident" in the library, Lan Wangji seemed to have retracted back into his golden bell jar of strict rules and precepts, and restored his "small stubborn" style.

He took out the clan rules that he implemented at will after Wei Wuxian came to Lan family. Not only did he himself strictly obey it, but he also supervised Wei Wuxian to comply with it, corresponding to every words and items. Daily work and rest, words and deeds, like the model carved into the stone, should be meticulous, and every mistake should be corrected one by one.

Needless to say about the love affairs of husband and wife, even the time and place of kiss should be precise. After all things were confirmed properly,four lips could be attached. After they were attached, they couldn't bite or lick, even couldn'stick the tongue in.

Hugs were also well-measured. Some place were not allowed to be touched, as if they were measured with a ruler.The standard was extremely high. If they didn't obey, their hands would be beaten.

Wei Wuxian must have gone against the rules with perseverance. With his persevering harassment, Lan Wangji gradually developed a bronze wall surrounding him, in which he strictly guard chastity,didn't yield even a little bit.

Every time Lan Wangji lifted Wei Wuxian from himself, he tidied his collar where showed the chest while helplessly explaining to him the rules in "Collections of Togetherness". Wei Wuxian, who was picked up, always slapped him at random, as if venting. It seemed that he was about to transform himself into a feather duster, brushing the chanting from the body of small stubborn.

Lan Wangji chanted: "The clan rules say, affairs in the bed should not be excessive, like that there should be no more than three bowls of rice, everything should be measured. Between husband and wife, if pleasure is excessive, indulge in love, it is improper..."

Wei Wuxian folded his two fingers together, exerted a spell, and jabbed several places on Lan Wang's body in an attempt to fight off the spirit of Lan family rules which was entangled in him like the soul of an old nun, who died of being obssessed with male.

The way of coupleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora