EP 29

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Lan Wangji's heart stopped beating, and even his breathing disappeared without a trace.

The treetops cast the light and shadow,which moved with the wind.As if dazzled by these spots, Lan Wangji took a breath in and closed his eyes.The wind and leaves stopped, and everything was silent.A low laugh broke into the ear drums.

When he opened his eyes, Wei Wuxian trembled and crawled away. Lan Wangji's eyesight followed his gaze and swept. There was a big centipede on his chest, each thin leg swinging in the air, a small part of body had been in the clothes.

His slender fingers pinched the tail of the big centipede and gently placed it on a green leaf beside him. His movement was calm,his eyelids drooping. His eyesight lightly swept back, and returned to Wei Wuxian.

"Little stubborn, you are not afraid of bugs?"

Wei Wuxian had thought that Lan Wangji learned zitther, chess, painting from the childhood, his ten fingers had never touched the mud, and he had not even raised a cricket, he must be afraid of a bug which emerged suddenly.

Wei Wuxian who escaped halfway moved back. He stared at Lan Wangji's expressionless face. It seemed that he did not pretend to be calm.

Yes, he was not afraid of the snake last time...

Neither time he was not frightened.

Wei Wuxian said: "It's boring..."

Lan Wangji didn't care, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Wei Wuxian was startled, and thought for a while: "Ordinary bugs, I'm not afraid of them. I'm afraid that big hairy spiders. They are very disgusting..."

It seemed that some bad memories came back, Wei Wuxian closed his eyes and shook his head.

Lan Wangji suddenly called: "Wei Ying."

The voice was low and magnetic, causing his heart to tremble, and then his sleeve was held, and he was pulled to Lan Wangji's side. Under the dark and slender eyelashes, the glazed eyes shimmered slightly.It seemed that he wanted to speak something but hesitated.

Lan Wangji's palms wrapped around his hand, and his fingertips gently scratched on the palm of his hand. The palm of his hand was itchy, causing him to look down.

An eight-legged spider lay in the palm of his hand, with each of dark eyeballs reflecting each Wei Wuxian. Its big black long shaggy legs kicked and poked his palm.


Wei Wuxian swung his arms and legs in the air, falling into great panic, like the eight-legged spider which was thrown into the sky by him.

"Be careful!" The branch snapped into two pieces, and before they had time to exclaim, the two heavy objects were hugged into a ball, and fell heavily, causing birds fly and shout.

The ears of a few wild rabbits were pricked up, their front legs were raised, heads popped out of the grass, and stared at the heavy object for a while, and the hairy buttocks jumped and ran away.

With a bird's nest on top of Wei Wuxian's head, he stood up dizzyly, the leaves flying and falling.

"Lan Zhan!"

Lan Wangji was pressed under him and almost withstood the impact of the entire fall.A few grass clippings fell from the top of Wei Wuxian's head, causing him to frown slightly.

Wei Wuxian tried to help him clean hurriedly, but more leaves fell from his sleeves.

He blew, Lan Wangji squinted his eyes, his drooping eyelashes gently moved, the tall and straight nose cast a nice shadow, and the two soft lips were slightly opened and closed.

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