EP 45

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That night, Lan Wangji took a shower and then went to bed in a regular Lan's sleeping position. Wei Wuxian sat on the side of the bed, with his toes curled up, and he couldn't help teasing him.

He touched the light feather eyelashes with his fingertips twice, Lan Wangji opened his eyes, gave him a light kiss on his forehead, and fell asleep again. Wei Wuxian was startled, sitting alone in the candlelight, looking at the warm light of the red candle, and staying in a daze for a while. Then he went to sleep quietly.

Nothing happened for a night.

The second night, the third night, and the fourth night were all the same. No matter how Wei Wuxian tried to ask for love affairs, Lan Wangji was like a little monk who was far away from the lust. His heart was like rock and resisted all the temptations.Wei Wuxian once firmly believed that he heard Lan Wangji chanting Buddhist scriptures secretly, in order to resist the temptation of him who was a great demon.

The kiss before going to bed changed from wet and lingering lips kiss to a dull forehead kiss which was also suitable to children and old men. Wei Wuxian seemed to have a glimpse of his middle-aged and elderly life with Lan Wangji in advance.

Lan Wangji might be pure-hearted and ascetic, but not Wei Wuxian!

He was in the age like a wolf or a tiger, having tasted the real ecstasy, and the incomparable harmony with the loved one, Wei Wuxian could no longer return to the original time that he vented the desires alone facing with eroticas and still felt at ease.

Lan Wangji seemed to have transformed into a fragrant, tender chicken thigh, moving in front of him every day. Wei Wuxian, who was hungry for three days and three nights, his nosebleed and saliva was flowing all over.

Sometimes in the middle of class, Wei Wuxian stared at his husband, his heart rushed. While the teacher was no paying attention, he dragged the person to the corner, tore a part of his clothes, and buried him in the solid and hot chest, rubbing ,licking and biting, the legs trembled with happiness.

At these defenseless moments, Lan Wangji's willpower dropped off dramatically, and it was a particularly difficult task for him to break free from Wei Wuxian's paws. He was touched all over before he escaped with disheveled clothes and scattered hair.

Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, he turned around to catch the culprit, and "retaliated" in the same way. When the two left the scene of the crime one after another, not only were their necks and ears flushed, but the things under their hips were standing up. The two glanced at each other, looked away at the same time, turned their backs on the wall, adjusted their breath and meditated for a while, then sneaked back to the class.

After the rain, the magnolia was fragrant, the two read quietly in the library.

To be precise, Lan Wangji was reading the book quietly, and Wei Wuxian was reading Lan Wangji quietly. However, after reading for a while, he couldn't be "quiet" anymore.

Lan Wangji glanced at him silently, and he immediately slid from one end of case to the other, and slumped onto Lan Wangji, who was sitting straightly, "Lan Zhan, you smell so good..."

"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji was so disturbed by him that he couldn't concentrate, so he got up and found a copy of "Collection of Talisman" among the bookshelves. "Maybe you are interested in this book."

Wei Wuxian glanced at it for several times, did not have any interest, and threw it aside, smiling and saying, "How can it be as interesting as you." A restless paw stretched into his collar.

Lan Wangji said dullly: "Sit well."

"Yes, husband." Wei Wuxian replied solemnly.

He tried his best for a few seconds, and couldn't continue any more. He gently bit the corner of his mouth, a finger crawled up and down on Lan Wangji's thigh like a small figure, with a look of embarrassment, "But, husband, I want to sit on you..."

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