EP 16

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As if a snow curtain fell in front of him, a sharp sword light accompanied by a sudden sound of unsheathing, reflecting in the air. Everyone was shocked.

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened in horror. When the sword light fell in front of him, he closed his eyes suddenly and squeezed himself into a ball. His mind was full of thoughts: Little stubborn was about to kill him in great anger!

The sword light fell off and was put into the sheath again. All the movements were fluent, and the rope on Wei Wuxian's body broke.

He was still in a panic, tentatively opening a gap of his eyes. In his vision, Lan Wangji suddenly leaned against him, kneeling on the ground, reaching out to remove the broken rope that was hanging on him.

Wei Wuxian blinked and stared blankly.

The force that fell on his head patted gently, swept away a few dead leaves, picked out the half-dropping grass root, and smoothed out the frizz in his hair. A soft touch touched his cheeks,with a little strength, to wipe off the dirt on his face.

When Lan Wangji was doing this, his face was still expressionless, but his movements were meticulous and gentle.

Like a dusty vase, Wei Wuxian's whole body was carefully dusted and fluttered slightly. His eyes were roaming on the opponent's half-drooping eyelids, seemingly light-colored eyes, and almost impossibly good-looking faces.

When everything was finished, Lan Wangji stood up and gave him a hand.

On his seemingly calm and flawless face, there was such a trace of expectation and tension.

Little stubborn...

The hesitation and struggling in his heart seemed to have been swept away by the movement just now. The choices in front of him were obvious and logical. Wei Wuxian was only slightly stunned before he handed his arm over and grasped that hand.

Lan Wangji pulled him up from the ground, turned around, and led him like this, walking towards the auditorium step by step.

Wei Wuxian followed behind him, looking at his looming side face, his own boots knocked on the red carpet in his ears, slightly stagnant, but for some reason, with every step he fell, it made a louder and louder sound.

After crossing the threshold of the auditorium, Wei Wuxian's gaze moved away from Lan Wangji. He was a little bewildered and curiously watching everything that surrounded them.

After a long while, someone shouted: "It's done! It's done again!"

As if shocked by the silent interaction between the two, the Lan clan elders who had just reacted at this moment had complex expressions. They whispered for a while, and there was still hesitation on their faces, looking at Lan Qiren one by one.

Lan Qiren was silent for a moment, taking the lead to walk around, and everyone walked in slowly through the layered arrangement.

The guests were as if relieved of the fixation technique, spit off half of the melon seeds in their mouths, and rushed up.

The audience behind was confused, "What? Is he willing to marry again?"

"Why? Don't he run away any more?"

"Does the Lan clan still accept him?"

"I don't know whoa! Hurry up and take a look!"

At the entrance of the auditorium, they pushed each other, leaning forward to look in a hurry.

The matchmaker ran up happily, seemingly unable to believe the smooth turn of events, watching the pair of happy couples side by side, rubbing her hands and being happy for a while. Then someone whispered a few words to remind her, her expression became restless suddenly, as if afraid that there was more change. She quickly started reading wedding poems.

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