EP 46

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Lan Wangji's mind burned for a while, and his whole body was shaking and taut.

It was not easy for him to support his crumbling body, and the remaining reason disappeared in the next few swallowings. He clasped Wei Wuxian's head with one hand, rubbing the warm scalp and soft fine hair with uncontrollable force. Wei Wuxian grabbed his thigh with both hands, rubbed the delicate skin of the inner thigh with five fingers just right, and while using the force, buried his cheek in Lan Wangji's crotch, holding Lan Wangji in the mouth completely.

The greasy and slippery tongue licked and rubbed the thing as best as it could. As he held it and spitted, the swelling veins twitched, and Wei WuXian was satisfied to hear the gasp in his ear getting heavier.

Although it was not the first time, the size of Lan Wangji's thing was not unusual after all. To serve this guy, not only did the whole tongue stick to it, but the teeth must be withdrawn as much as possible, and at the same time, swallowing and spitting it continuously. After going back and forth for a while, Wei Wuxian found it difficult to breathe, even more difficult than Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji was served hard by him for a while. The sourness and scorching heat in his lower body oscillated several times, and was about to release. But it suddenly stopped. He frowned slightly and looked down. Wei Wuxian half-opened his eyes, his eyesight was fascinated. He was a bit tired and aggrieved, his chest went ups and downs, as if he couldn't stand the ardent swalllowing and spitting. His mouth opened slightly, and the corners of his mouth were beside his swollen root, seemingly attached to it and unwilling to leave.

The lust root was covered with bright body fluid, it was so red that it became purple and hot.

Lan Wangji's tight waist and abdomen swayed and pushed lightly, and the head of lust root rubbed the man lingeringly.

Wei Wuxian's lazy gaze swept away, his bright black eyes raised slightly, and when their eyesight met with each other, the corners of his lips wriggled, he kissed the little thing lightly, and the tip of his red tongue stretched out and licked it again.

Unexpectedly, a stream of white liquid shot toward the corner of Wei Wuxian's mouth.

Lan Wangji trembled with fright. His eyes blinked blankly.

"Wei Ying, I'm sorry..."

Lan Wangji almost panicked, reaching out to wipe the corners of his mouth.

Wei Wuxian seemed to be unable to understand what happened, thinking that Lan Wangji was going to push him, almost subconsciously, he opened his mouth and held his fingers in the mouth.

The white liquid stained on the corners of the mouth was also mixed with the body fluid overflowing from the corners of the mouth in the movements.

The library where gasping sound echoed, suddenly fell silent.

At the next moment, Wei Wuxian felt a huge force covering him suddenly, and the book case on his back made a loud noise, falling to the side with a bang. When he could see clearly again, he was already carried in Lan Wangji's arms, lips were blocked by a burst of hot breath.

"Hmm...Lan...Um...Lan Zhan?"

Wei Wuxian was kissed in a daze for a while, a big hand walked all over his body, touched his clothes belt, and grabbed it roughly.

His head buzzed, and his reason returned instantly, "Lan Zhan, don't... don't...here..."

Lan Wangji almost tugged viciously, "Wei Ying, the fire you started..."

Wei Wuxian held his cheek and said in a panic, "Don't take off clothes..."

Lan Wangji pressed his lust forcibly, squinted his eyes, and looked at him carefully.

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