Chapter Seventy-Two

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So... who ordered the drama? No one? Oh well. It's served anyway. Muah! -Rae

"Hey, you did hear the news, right?" Violet asked cautiously.

She and Daija were sitting in Simon's living room, and in the distance, they could hear Simon and Sierra talking about gala-related things in the kitchen. The morning sun was shining bright over Kunross, and the snow had stopped falling at last. She had a prediction it would be half-melted by the time the gala came around.

Daija looked over at her. "About what?"

"Your mother was found dead yesterday afternoon," she said quietly, "People are saying that it was a fire which caused the house to collapse, but police reported that she was brutally beaten and stabbed."

Right. That. Her aunt had called her yesterday evening, and she sounded a little sad about her sister regardless of how much she disliked her. Daija immediately felt bad, and she wondered how she was going to ever tell her the truth one day.

"I did hear," she admitted. "Aunt Celia called me about it yesterday."

"How do you feel? If you don't mind me asking."

She took a small breath, then met her gaze head on. No more running. "I was the one who killed her, Vi."

Her best friend was silent for a moment, then she rested back against the couch. "I thought you might've. You look relieved, like you finally let something go."

"...You're not scared or anything?"

"I saw it coming, Daija. She ruined you and hurt you terribly. I honestly thought you would do this when you were eighteen. Over time, you became less sad and more angry. I was just waiting for it."

She wouldn't have been able to. Eighteen year-old her was too fragile. "If I was strong enough, I might've, but no way."

"So, what happens now?"

"What do you mean?"

"After the gala, and even when summer is over."

Another thing she had to talk to her about. When she made her decision yesterday, she made it final. She didn't have any bad feelings or second thoughts about it.

And if she did have any second thoughts, they definitely disappeared when Simon kept her up for a couple extra hours last night.

Daija grabbed her hands and gave her a small smile. "Let's move out here, Vi."

She gasped in shock. "Really?!"

"Yes, really. It may be pricey to live in this area, but since I'm going to be making a lot more money now, plus your end from your internship, we could make it work."

"Yes, I mean, of course!" she grinned. "I figured since both of our relationships are still a bit new, we can still live together for a bit. Besides, you know how much I love being your roommate."

Behind them, Sierra cleared her throat. They both turned around to see her and Simon standing beside each other with small smiles. "All I'm saying," she started, "Is that our mother owns a few complexes around here."

"Nice ones, at that," Simon added. "We'll give you a list. Just pick the place you like the best and we'll talk to her. We can even expedite the process for you guys if that's what you want. Just say the word."

"Besides," Sierra sighed, "With the riots picking up again in greater numbers, the heroes getting extremely worn out and the public beyond concerned about your abilities, Daija, downtown is about to become four times as hectic according to mine and Tony's estimates. The quicker you two are out, the better. We can help you get out of your old place within a few days."

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