Chapter Seventy

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More feels in this chapter. Remember that Daija is at a low point mentally, so that's why there's self-loathing and crying. Love you guys. -Rae

Also, chapter seventy. Wow. Thank you for coming this far. We're getting close to the end, I promise.

Daija hadn't cried that hard since she was fifteen -- the last time she had hit a shattering point and decided that enough was enough. Only a couple of days before her aunt saved her.

She remembered crying, practically screaming as she felt the sting of the new wounds and the reopening of old wounds. Simon held her the entire time, telling her that it was okay to break down and to take her time.

She thought it was weird. She wouldn't cry after all that pain, but the moment he reassured her with a few sentences, she started bawling like a baby.

Gosh, she thought she didn't deserve him. Didn't deserve him, his kindness, his patience and everything else he had given her.

She woke up many hours later, right when the sun had started rising. She was beyond happy that she didn't work anymore until next week. Devin sent a message to everyone saying that the shop is going to be closed because of the sudden storm.

Turning over, she looked over at Simon, who was sleeping soundly right beside her. Slowly, she reached up and started stroking his hair. She always found him so precious when he slept.

Again came the words that haunted her memory. "He could have any woman. Why would he want you?"

Truthfully, she didn't know.

She didn't know why he would want someone as shattered and damaged as she was. Maybe it was too good to be true, because Simon has every quality she wished for in a person, and he was the embodiment of what she loved most about this fucked up world. Autumn.

If he truly was after her power like Jamie said, he would have had it by now, right?. If he wasn't able to get something, someone on his team would get it for him. Sierra is extremely smart and talented. Her and her team would have found a way. He wouldn't have comforted her after she killed someone to save Jamie, he wouldn't have gone to extreme lengths to make her comfortable while she was here for two whole weeks, and he wouldn't have put so much effort into making her feel so safe and loved.

Her brows furrowed as something clicked in her mind.


It was something that she valued so dearly, especially after her aunt saved her. After her danger sense, her powers didn't manifest until she was truly safe. Not just physically safe, but mentally safe, emotionally safe, whether from an outside danger or even herself. Her telekinesis and her cryokinesis came when she was alone.

But her fourth power -- her healing touch -- manifested when she was with Simon. She had been naked at the time, physically, mentally and emotionally, and she was at her most vulnerable, but it still happened.

If her danger sense found him safe enough to allow one of her powers to manifest around him, then there was no way he was using her. The thought alone had tears resurfacing.

Her aunt always told her that the universe works in crazy ways, especially when it comes to love. Daija desperately wanted to believe it, but she was so fucking terrified to have hope for anything anymore.

She was tired of losing and feeling like she had to remain prepared to lose more.

When she pulled her hand away from him, he reached out and gently grabbed it so he could put it back in his hair, a small smile on his face as his eyes were still closed.

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