Chapter Thirty-Eight

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This chapter is so, so long. Like, really long and it has so much going on.  Literally over 6,000 words. I'm so sorry lol. I'm really looking forward to your comments/ theories. I need to smile. Love you all. <3 -Rae

There was quiet darkness, and a lovely chill that caressed her skin. She felt her power pulse through her blood, comforting, protecting and natural. It was okay. Nothing would hurt her here.

Then, some of the chill disappeared, and she felt someone shaking her.

"Daija!!" Jamie shouted as he shook her body, and her eyes flew open.

She drew in a deep breath, immediately checking him over to make sure he wasn't hurt, "Are you okay?"

"Me? Are you okay?" he sighed as he helped her sit up from the hard ground. He was unhurt. Didn't even have a single scratch. "You threw an ice shield around me before you fell. There was one around you, too, and I broke it in order to make sure you were breathing."

A shield? She looked around herself, seeing that there were some ice crystals around her, already starting to melt from the heat of the fire-

"Shit," she breathed out as the memories hit her hard, "How bad is the damage?"

This asshole tried to kill them. Once she had a good plan, she would gladly return the favor.

"The front of the base was blown to bits," he said as they stood up, carefully stepping over the rubble and the small fires that still burned.

"Did your head hurt?" he asked.

"No," she shook her head, "And I'm confused about that. Where's everyone else?"

On cue, she heard Aniya's voice, "Jamie! Daija! Are you two over there?!"

"We're here!" Jamie shouted back, and the two of them followed her voice to where the three of them were. They were still on the second floor, but most of it was in ruins. Daija was going to have to get Jamie to the back of the base so he could get out of here.

They found the other three heroes, shaken and wide-eyed. Justin was moving some of the heavier bits of rubble to try and clear a path leading back downstairs.

"Fiona's unconscious," Aniya said sadly as she checked her vitals, "She's alive, but she's out cold and she won't wake up."

Daija looked down at Fiona, wincing at the blood that ran down the side of her head. She definitely wasn't going to be waking up for a while, and that meant teleporting out of here wasn't an option.

"Damn it!" Justin shouted, "There's too much rubble here. We're going to have to find another way down."

"There's a staircase all the way down the hall," Jamie said, pointing in the opposite direction, "But we can't leave Fiona here. There's a small room around here. She should be safe there."

He nodded, and he moved to where her and Aniya were, gently picking her up off of the ground, and the four of them went to the small room Jamie talked about. Justin carefully placed Fiona on the table in there, and Daija took off her jacket, balling it up and putting it underneath her head. Hopefully, she won't be in too much pain when she wakes up.

"It's just us four," Jamie said when they left the room and shut the door behind them, "What do we do?"

They heard a familiar laugh outside, and all of their eyes widened.

All of them stepped over to the window that was blown out, and hid behind larger pieces of rubble as they saw what happened outside.

Down below, Daija saw Simon, dressed in his suit and laughing his ass off. Behind him stood a large team of henchmen. Instead of four or five, he brought what she estimated to be nearly fifty. Her jaw dropped. She was wrong earlier. They weren't slightly outnumbered. They were severely outnumbered.

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