Chapter Fifty-One

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6am update so therefore you guys can't lecture me about 3am updates lmfao. Also, I don't know why, but I really like this chapter. -Rae

"Why do you keep rotating your wrist?" Simon asked as he drove, "Did you hurt it at the hangout last night? I noticed you doing it at breakfast as well."

"I didn't hurt it at the hangout," Daija said as she put her hands in her lap and smiled softly, "Just soothing the aches. I did some writing before we left the house."

Right when she went to her room to shower and start getting ready for the day, she wrote a few pages in her journal. Their talk left her a little unsettled. She didn't know what upset her more. The fact that Jamie is hiding a lot more than she thought, or the fact that he's possibly scared of her snapping.

From the sound of it, even Simon seemed scared of her snapping. Proof that she desperately needed to change the way she does things and get it together.

"What kind of writing?" he asked.

"Just regular journal writing. I write every morning."

And every night before bed, and right away when she has a nightmare that leaves her shaking and on the verge of tears, and right after work just to clear her head, and after the slightest inconvenience. She would write her thoughts, then scribble them out to replace it with something that she should be thinking. Or she would rip the page out entirely.

It was a mess, and it was only getting messier.

"You should probably slow down if your wrist is aching that bad."

"I'll be fine," she shrugged, "So, what kind of training are we doing?"

He was silent for a moment, then answered, "Power training. There's a few things I want to teach you."


"You'll see when we get there. I'll spend a couple of hours with you, then I have to take care of a few things. While I'm gone, you can hang out with some of the others."

"When you say 'take care of things,' do you mean..."

"Yes," he finished when she trailed off, "I also have a meeting with Austin and Tony, and Adrienne gives a weekly report around this time each week. I texted you all of their numbers, so save them. If they are busy, they'll let you know."

She frowned, "Busy day, huh? You better have a snack in-between or something."

"Trust me," he laughed, "Between Tony and Wylan, I'll be reminded to take care of myself. No need for that."

The car fell silent, and when he noticed that she was staring at him, he said, "Ask your question. I won't judge you for being curious, especially since you're here with me for the next couple of weeks."

"Why do you torture instead of just snapping their necks or something? Not judging, just something I thought about yesterday."

"One of three reasons. One: They might have information I want and I'm not one for saying please. Two: They did something worth the pain. And Three: I want to. Like I told you before -- I take my time with things."

Her heart raced at the last one. On one hand, it gave her slight chills. On the other hand, she was now curious about something else. Was he like her at one point? Was he scared of himself and the things he could do?

The next question tumbled out, "Were you afraid of what you wanted to do to these people at one point in your life?"

"Of course. Most people are. During my late teenage years, I often daydreamed about it, then felt sick at myself for even letting it cross my mind."

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