Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I just don't understand it," Jamie said to Daija as she gripped her steering wheel, "So much for leaving you out of it."

The two of them left the apartment right at five o'clock, placed the order for the pizza and were now driving to the brand new facility. As she drove, Daija's mind couldn't stop replaying what Fiona just revealed to the entire city.

"They can't admit that I'm a weapon to my face, but they'll admit it in front of thousands of people, and on live TV where millions can view it?" She scoffed, "This is fucking ridiculous."

"If Fiona couldn't control her nerves, she should've just stayed quiet. It looked like Aniya was going to find a way to keep it under control," he said as he pulled out his phone, a sigh escaping him, "Great. This is already headlining everywhere. It was all going well before it went downhill."

Daija shook her head, "Now this city is going to be expecting us."

"I'm not worried about the city," he said, "I'm more worried about Simon's next move. And I'm pretty sure Aniya is petrified."

"She looked like she was going to faint."

"At least they didn't give our names. That would've been a nightmare."

"The public is still going to start applying pressure on the other heroes to rush my training so I can get out there," she said as she switched lanes and got ready to turn, "It could only get worse from here."

"The public can pressure them, but they won't force you. They know just how dangerous this is."

She sighed quietly, "Are we talking about the same group of heroes, Jamie? You do realize that I was kidnapped and kept in a dark cell while I was experiencing a burnout? I was very sick, I had no phone, and I was given shitty food with warm water. Then I wasn't allowed to go home until I agreed to start training. Trust me. They will force me."

His eyes filled with sadness, "Daija, I'm so sorry. This isn't fair. I just wish Simon hadn't made them so damn desperate to the point they resort to kidnapping. I do know this: Even though I hated Ian, he wouldn't have allowed them to do this to you," he then rested back in the passenger seat as he watched the road, "Then again, I don't know. He's also the one who killed a child."

At the mention of the video he showed her, her gut twisted. That was another thing she needed to look into. If she could find out who was killed, get the evidence and expose it, it'll be enough to turn the public on the heroes. That's her new plan.

"On the bright side, Justin's going to be stressed out of his mind," he said as he turned to give her a teasing smile, "Maybe then you can tell him about this alluring stranger who's really good at kissing. That'll really set him off."

Despite the situation, here he was, trying to cheer her up. Daija laughed, "You really won't let this go, huh? You know what? Maybe I should. Have something good come out of this."

"You do know that he might try and fight this guy for your affection if he finds out who he is, right?"

"Oh god," she groaned, "he's one of those?"

"Yep, he's one of those," he snickered, "It wouldn't be the first time he did that. Used to get into fights just to show his strength in high school."

She rolled her eyes, "I feel bad for everyone that went to your school."

When they pulled up to the new facility, -- which was huge like Aniya said -- she parked her car and turned to Jamie, "So. Twenty minutes?"

He shook his head, "No. Make it ten."

"Really?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed.

"It's all just going to be arguments, then Aniya telling everyone how important it is to work together," he said as he unbuckled his seat belt, "Remember what today is for. Having fun and celebrating Vi. The less time we spend dealing with them, the better. Let's not allow them to ruin today."

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