Chapter Forty-One

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Sorry this took so long. -Rae

"There's tons of documents in the files. Like the ones we found in Base B, they're pretty old," Jamie said as he sipped his water.

After work, Daija invited him over to her apartment so they could talk about the files, and what they could do next now that they figured out they have the same goal. It took a while, but she explained everything she knew about Aniya.

"So, more time to decipher them?" she asked.

"More time to decipher them. Hopefully, no more than a week. But of course, the moment I figure something out, I'll let you know."

"Thanks, so what should I do in the meantime?"

"It depends," he said as he gave her a teasing grin, "What do you need to win the game between you and your rival slash fuck buddy?"

Daija scoffed and rolled her eyes, getting up to go to the kitchen, "I just need something big enough to ruin their image and get the entire city to turn against them. And I have to do it before he does whatever he's got planned..." she trailed off.

"But?" he asked.

"But I'm desperate to find out what happened to my dad. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to care about that a little more than this game, even though I love playing," she sighed as she pulled some hummus out of her fridge. "Ever since I saw his name on that document, I've questioned the way he died."

Suddenly remembering something, she turned towards him, "I have a flash drive from Base C. Since I'm known as 'C' in Aniya's world, I think it might have information about what happened to him. However, it has a password. I know you already have a lot on your plate, but-"

"It's no problem," he smiled gently, "If I'm able to get into it, I'll let you know immediately. You deserve to know what happened."

"Thanks," she smiled in return, "Want some hummus? Or any type of snack?"

"I'll take that pomegranate you tried to hide behind the milk."

She frowned, "But it's my last one."

"Pretty please?" he pouted.

"Ugh, fine. Don't expect me to cut it for you though."

Once she had a moment, she went to her room to grab the flash drive, and the vials of truth serum that she took from Base E. She went back to the kitchen where he was cutting the pomegranate and told him, "By the way, I feel like I should hand this back to you."

His eyes widened, "You managed to get some?"

"Yeah, from Base E. He took what was at Base F though."

"Keep one," he said as he handed a single vial back to her. "Just in case."

"How does it work?"

"Get them to drink it. It lasts forty-five minutes. The truth will come out faster than they can properly form a lie. I'm thinking about making one that will last longer in the future."

She grabbed a bag of baby carrots from her fridge to dip in her hummus and asked, "What did the heroes need truth serum for anyway?"

"It was something they asked me to make, and it took forever to actually get a formula down, then to wait for it to develop. It was made for Simon and henchmen, and they planned to use it when they caught them so they could admit to their crimes."

"How did you feel about it?"

He rolled his eyes, "I thought it was stupid. I'm pretty sure he and his entire team have protocols for that sort of thing."

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