Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Torture and gore warning for this chapter. Also, it's pretty long. Please proceed with caution.

Also, 7 a.m update! Did I stay up all night for this? Yes. Do I regret it? Not right now, but I definitely will later. Love you guys. -Rae

Daija showered quickly, brushed her teeth, covered up her fresh hickies with concealer, put her curly hair in a quick ponytail, and got dressed as she hummed lightly to herself.

She tried to not let herself think about what happened in the living room -- and what almost happened -- but sometimes she couldn't stop it.

When she realized what she put on, she froze and stared at herself in the mirror. She was wearing black jeans, a black shirt that perfectly fit her form, and the jacket that Simon gave her. She wasn't even thinking when she put it on. She just did. She made a note to wear all black more often, because she looked good in it. Maybe she could throw in some bright accessories for a good contrast.

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Daija shoved her phone into her pocket and left her bedroom. The moment she got to the living room, Simon was also leaving his room. Like usual, he was dressed in all black complete with his jacket.

Upon seeing what she was wearing, he stopped in his tracks and looked her up and down, looking a little lost in his thoughts as his mouth curved upward to his usual smirk. She noticed that he was staring at her the same way he did the first time she put the jacket on the other night.

"What?" she asked as she sat down to put her tennis shoes on.

"Having another moment," he said simply as he walked over to her.

She raised a brow, "Do I want to know?"

"Probably not now. Just know that I don't think I'm ever going to get enough of seeing you in black."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said as she finished tying her shoelaces, "Ready?"

"Yeah. Let's get going."

They left his house and got into his car, and before she knew it, they were on their way to base.

"I damn near passed out when I checked my notifications," he said, "Everyone called me. If it was just the incident alone, I would have either let Luca or Austin handle it, or I would have asked them to wait so I can take care of it later. But-"

"But it's Sisi you're worried about," she finished for him.

"She's always so wrapped in her projects, so I can't imagine the rage she's feeling now that she's lost one," he sighed sadly, "I have to make sure she doesn't do anything she'll regret later. Yeah, she's an adult, but as the older brother, I can't help but worry."

"I would be concerned if you weren't worried."

"The guy that she's "using as a stress ball" might have information. If he does have some, we'll get it from him, then I'll let her do what she needs to so she can feel better."

Daija rested back in the seat and said, "Austin and Tony seemed pretty scared."

"Sierra may be sweet as sugar, but best believe, she's her mother's daughter. On most days, she'll stay away from the dirty work, but when she gets involved, she goes all in. Her and Wylan are the same like that. It can get a bit scary, but then again, everyone on my team has scared the shit out of me at least three times."

"Only asking because I'm extremely curious, but who do you think is the scariest?"

He didn't hesitate, "In my opinion, it's a difficult tie between Sierra, Luca and Austin."

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